My First Kiss (Went a Little Like This)

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Chapter Fourteen: My First Kiss (Went a Little Like This)

"Reed!" I moan softly, "god damn!"

He smirks. "You like?"

"So hot!"

Reed pulls it out and I take a breath of much needed air. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and shiver. "Reed!"


"My mouth is on fire!" I glare. This is the last time I trust Reed's cooking. Apparently he likes foods that makes your mouth burst into flames. "Give me something to drink!" He unzips his pants. "Ha, really funny Reed."

"It wasn't funny back at the fair." He winks.

"It is now that you don't get anymore." I smirk proudly. Ha beat that one! I swear I am so awesome at come backs. But I've realized we haven't even kissed yet. It's been three days that we've been dating now. You'd think by now my lips would be dirty little whores...

...Well that's something I never want to think again.

Moving on.

“Aw, come on! Princess I know you want my hot body.”

Reed does have a point but I’m not going to let him know that.  He doesn’t need to. “I’ve gone without all that stuff for sixteen years. I can go a few more easily.” I wink at him and make my way to the living room, now time for some nice TV.  “What to watch?”

Although I was talking to myself Reed, who just so happened to follow me into the room, decides to answer. “You can watch me.” He suggestively wiggles his eyebrows. If you haven’t guessed lately Reed has been move perverted than usual. I guess he’s getting tired of waiting for that promise I made him. He’s been trying a bunch of things to get me in the mood, and it’s worked! I’m just too nervous to give it up. Guess I’ll have to soon though. Reed will just keep getting worse, and I won’t be able to control myself. He’s going to turn me into some sort of animal.


“Okay what?” He asks only to realize what I mean. His cheeks turn pink. Ha, weren’t expecting that now were you? I can see why he does it to me, I love messing with him too. “Well okay,” the grin on his face can’t get any bigger. “Here?”

I tap my chin a few times. “How about you go get ready in my room,” I pause to bite my lip, “and I’ll be there in a second.” Like an excited puppy he runs off to my room.

Well that was easier than I thought.

I curl up on the couch and flip through the channels, searching for something good to watch. Now that Reed isn’t in my way I can finally kick back and relax. Maybe tomorrow Ethan or Josie will come over, and then I’ll have an excuse not to do it then too. We can’t do it at night because dad is in the room right next door. If I keep us busy during the day then we’ll never get the chance to do it. My butt will be safe for a while longer.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD THE HELL?!” Reed shrieks and comes running out of my room. With his pants around his ankles, he trips and falls right on his face. I can’t help but to laugh.

“What is wrong Reed?” I ask him, breathing heavily. “You look like someone just came after you with a knife!”

“Worse!” He climbs up onto the couch and hugs a pillow to his chest. “Since when do you have a fucking cat?!”

“Since always, why?” I raise an eyebrow. “Oh wait! You’re scared of cats aren’t you!?!” Oh man this is good.

“Shh, they can smell fear.” He scoots close to me and hides his face with his hands. “If I can’t see it, it can’t see me.”

“Reed, Mittens is like a billion years old, she’s not going to hurt.” I pat his head. Although stupid, Reed being scared of a cat is actually pretty cute. What could have happened to him as a child? Something bad.

He cringles at my touch and whimpers, “yes she is, cats hate me!”

“Calm down! Why do cats hate you?”

“Because they’re the devil’s spawn.”

Rolling my eyes I peal his hands away from his face.  “Mittens has never hurt anything. She the sweetest cat ever,” the only problem we’ve ever had with her is the fact that she tends to knock things over, but that’s only because she’s blind in one eye. “Why do you think that she will?”

“See this!” He pushes his bangs up to reveal a small scar on his forehead. “Cat.”

“Oh you poor soul, how did you live past that?” I hold back laughter.

Reed narrows his eyes. “Caleb! It was a very traumatizing thing! Don’t make fun of it!”

“Okay,” I snicker.

“Caleb!” he pouts and pulls away from me

“Well I’m sorry Reed but just because you have a tiny little scar-“

“It hurt!”

I sigh. “Look, I’m sorry okay. It’s I’m just so used to you being tough and stuff. The fact that you’re afraid of cats, it’s just...cute.”

“Cute? Aw hell nah! I am man all the way! Princess you are the cute one in this relationship!”

“I’m not cute.” I tell him. “Not cute at all.”

“Yeah huh,” Reed lays his head on my lap and smiles up at me, “you’re like the cutest thing ever.”

“Not really,” I wave him off. “I’m pretty awkward.”

He pokes my nose. “Awkward is cute.”

I blush a little before saying the next thing on my mind, “if I’m so cute then why haven’t you kissed me yet?”

He sits back up and stares at my lips. “You were just so reluctant to do anything with me so I thought you didn't want to kiss me."

"Well maybe if you'd kiss me I'd let you do other things." The blood rushes to my cheeks as he leans in and softly presses his lips against mine.  I'm not sure what to do because I've literally had no experience at this kind of stuff, so I let Reed do everything.

I'm not going to say fireworks went off and a chorus of angles burst out into song, because that didn’t happen. In all honesty it was awkward- mostly because I was just sitting there- but nice none the less.

Reed pulls away and grins at me. “Well how did you like that?”

“Holy fucking shit!”



So I noticed last chapter got 17 votes...Lets keep that up c: 

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