Things Are Getting "Hard"

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As this title suggest there are a few adult themes in this chapter. 


Chapter Eight: Things Are Getting "Hard"

"I want to ride something." I gawk at all the rides. They range from spinny ones, to ones that go upside down, and a few small roller coasters.

Reed stands next to me, so close our hands almost touch. "You can always ride me."

I crinkle up my nose. "Nah heard that ride was broken down."

He chuckles, "Well when it gets fixed?"

"Maybe," wait did I just, dammit! I look over to see Reed's reaction. He's more surprised at the words that just came out of my mouth than I am. And I'm shocked!

"Well in that case, all the signs are looking pretty good. Reed's Dick is up and running again!"

I blush as my eyes automatically fall to the front of his pants. What the hell am I doing? I shouldn’t be looking there!

…Guess I was just curious to see if he really was...well you know, "up and running".

"But we should ride some other rides before. Reed's Dick is pretty intense, wouldn't want you hurting yourself!" He pats me on the back, leaving his hand there on the second pat. "Unless pain turns you on." I bite my bottom lip and push away from him.

What is wrong with me today?! I’ve turned into someone I’m not. It's the sun! It's too hot out here and I’m thinking weird things! Feeling weird things. Maybe I'm dehydrated? No, I drank some water at dinner. I bet I'm overheating!

"Princess, you don't look too well. Your face is all red and you're pretty sweaty. No offense but Reed's Dick isn't for the weak stomached."

I shoot him a nasty look. "I don't feel good. This isn't a time for your stupid jokes."

He puts his hands up in defense. "Whoa, calm down princess. I'm sorry, look I'll take you back to the barn, okay?"

I nod, clutching my stomach. I feel like I'm going to burst at any second. I'm not sure what was in my burger but whatever it was it’s the cause of all this. Not the sun or the heat.

Reed leads me back to the barn where mom told us to meet at. It’s where we’ll be staying the next two weeks.

Of course it's packed full of all types of different farm animals. The smell only makes me sicker. "I need a bathroom." I cover my mouth with one hand. Reed panics.

"Shit! Okay! Bathroom- there!" He points to across the large over packed barn. "Just, uh, I'll carry you!" Without my permission, Reed scoops me up in his arms and starts sprinting to the other side.

"BITCHES GET OUT OF THE WAY! HE'S GONNA BLOW!" His screams get a lot of unnecessary attention. If I weren't feeling so horrible I'd cared. But all I care about now is finding a nice toilet to spew my guts into.

Finally we make it to the other side and he lets me down. I dash into a stall and hunch over the toilet. Reed stays the whole time and hands me a few paper towels after throwing up my entire stomach. I wipe my mouth off and lean against the blue stall wall. "Thank you," I murmur, groaning at the taste in my mouth.

"It's no big deal. I've dealt with worse." He sits across from me, holing the stall door shut. "And since you’re sick it only cost one ticket to ride." Reed winks playfully.

Of course.

I wake up to a soft panting. I can tell it's nowhere near morning yet seeing as how there's no animals making noises. Wait, if it’s not an animal making that noise, what is it?

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