Liar, Liar Pants on Fire (So Take Them off Please)

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Chapter Nine: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire (So Take Them off Please)

"Good morning princess," A cheery voice whispers against my ear.

I groan and stretch out, hitting whatever it is next to me. I open my eyes.

Oh god.

Memories of last night come flooding back to me. Reed touching me…down there, him moaning my name softly as we tried not to get caught. Last night was intense, I can’t believe I actually did all that stuff.

"You okay princess? You look pale. Sick again?"

I nod. I wish it was all just a bad dream but the strange taste in my mouth tells me otherwise. Did I really do that to him?

My eyes fall down to his lips. Did he really do that to me?

"Okay! Don't throw up!" He panics and starts searching through his bag. He then pulls out a water bottle and hands it to me. "Drink, it'll help!"

I shakily take it and take a sip. Reed stares at me.

"Feeling better?"

I don't answer, just look down at my lap.

"Look I know we took things a little fast last night, but I was wondering if you'd like-"

"About last night," I cut him off.

Reed freezes.

"Can we, uh, please forget it happened? I wasn't...I didn't mean for those things to happen." I hand him back the water bottle, not wanting to look at him.

How can I after what I did?

"You didn' it?" He asks, sounding very hurt.

I wince.

"You didn't have to do it if you didn't want! I just, I mean I could have done everything!" He groans. "Please Caleb! Tell me what I did wrong and I'll fix it!"

"You can't Reed." I look him straight in the eyes. They’re full of pain.

"Yes I can! Please! Tell me!" He begs.

"The problem is you!" I snap, beginning to feel horrible. I'm hurting him so much. "I'm not a fag Reed!"

We both grow silent.

"Reed look, I didn't mean it like that."

"No," he shakes his head and stands up. "I'm just a stupid fag, I get it."

I grab onto his leg so he can't escape the tent, well considering him being naked I don’t think he will at this moment, but still! "Listen! Reed! I'm confused! What we did last night, that, I've never done anything like that!"

"I get it. You just wanted to get off! I helped you. The end." He shakes me off and pulls some boxers on.

"Reed," I frown. "Don't do this."

"Should have thought about that before getting my hopes up," He mumbles while putting on sweats and a tee.

Disappointing Reed is probably the worst thing I could have done. He completely ignores me for a whole half a week. A whole three days! It was hell considering my mom kept asking what was wrong. I had to lie and say he was mad that I ruined his chance with a girl. If there's one thing my mom doesn't approve of is gays and lesbians. She was raised up in a very Christian household who looked down on tiny sins. I obviously don't agree with her views.

But back to Reed and I.

Since he hasn’t been too talkative to anyone really, he hasn’t been hitting on me. And yes this will sound weird, but I actually miss it. I miss Reed saying all those perverted things to me. I miss Reed. So I’ve been trying hard to make it up to him, but today is the day he’ll finally forgive me because I’m just that amazing. He’s going to be the same old Reed that I used to know.

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