My Dirty Little Secret

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Chapter Eighteen: My Dirty Little Secret 

Reed's getting very distant.

At first it started with him not being very perverted, then he stopped calling me princess (which I had gotten used to and started to like), and finally now he hardly talks to me. Reed doesn't even sleep with me anymore! He's moved back to his air mattress!

I don't know what I did wrong but it must have been something bad.

"Reed can I talk to you?" I smile sweetly at him, hoping he couldn't resist my apparent cuteness.

"What?" He says coldly, not even looking at me. I sigh, pulling him away from the big crowd of people.

Every Fourth of July my whole family heads down to the park and watches the fireworks. This year was no exception. It's not quite dark enough to start so everyone is gathered around talking and playing games. Everyone is happy.

And then there's me.

"What Caleb?" I wince at his harsh tone.

Where is my Reed? What happened to the guy I had spent all summer- a month. I trusted a guy I knew for little over a month with my virginity! I knew he was a liar and I trusted him! I can’t believe I was that stupid!

Taking a deep breath I stare up into his eyes. “I don’t know what I did wrong but whatever it was I’m sorry okay.” I shouldn’t be apologizing. He should.

His eyes fill with concern. “Shit, princess,” I stiffen at my nickname, “I just felt like we were rushing it. I felt,” while searching for the right word, Reed runs a hand through his now shaggy hair.

“Isn’t this what you wanted? You wanted me right?” My lip quivers. “Right?”


My eyes widen.

"I mean, yes I want you! I just want you."

Confused, my head falls and I groan, "Please just tell me what you want."

I feel Reed's fingers entwine with mine. "I want us Caleb, to be happy!"

"Then why were you ignoring me?" It's clear that we have switched positions; I’m now the cold one.

"I'm learning Caleb. I'm learning to be the type of guy you need.”

“What I need is you Reed!” I realize I’m raising my voice and blush a little. “I need you to stop ignoring me.”

I’m scared to but I finally look up at him. He’s biting down on his lip hard, but not hard enough to break the skin. In the background I can hear a firework go off, followed by a cheer from all the people. Despite all the noise, nothing could distract us.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers, almost being drowned out by the crackling of a firework. 

“I forgive you.”

He grins, “You want to go watch the fireworks with me?”

Smirking a little, I shake my head. “I have a better idea.”

“Oh really?” He asks leaning in a bit. “What might that be?”

“Maybe if you stop talking I’ll show you.” I wink and close the space in between him and me.

“Feisty,” he whispers against my lips. “I like it.”

“Where have you two been? The fireworks are almost over- oh.” Ethan chuckles and points to my hair. “You have sex hair.”

“Do not!” I defend myself, trying to shake out my hair.

“Do too!”

“I didn’t even have sex so ha!”

Ethan eyes widen.


“You didn’t have what now?” I freeze at the sound of my mother’s voice.

“Caleb would you care to have a word with me.” It’s not a question.

Ethan frowns at me. “Sorry dude.”


Jumping at my mother’s angered tone I turn on my heel and walk with her. Reed begins to follow me but I give him the signal to stay. The last thing I need is for mom to know what all I’ve done with him. All she knows is I didn’t have sex- wait why is she mad then?

“Who have you been having sex with?”  Mom hisses as soon as we’re far enough away from everyone else.

“No one.” I lie.

“Caleb, don’t make me get your father.” She threatens. Honestly I don’t see what getting him will do. If anything dad would praise me for being more like my brother, his favorite son. “I’m going to ask you this again. Who have you been having sex with?”

Sighing in defeat (she’s never going to stop asking until I tell) I mumble, “Just some girl.”

What? Did you think I was going to tell her the real truth? Ha no. That’s instant murder.

“Which girl? Josie?! I knew she was a no good whore!”

I crinkle my nose in disgust. “Ew, no not Josie!” I can’t believe mom would even think that!

“Oh, well forget what I just said then.” She blushes in embarrassment. “If it’s not her then who?”

I really didn’t think this through! My mom is close to all the parents of kids that go to my school so she’d surely tell then figure out I lied. I need someone she’ll never be able to meet.

“This girl from the fair! I think her name was, uh,” I quickly glance around for inspiration, “Julie!”

 Mom shake her head in disappointment. “I can’t believe this. You're just a baby.”

“Mom my seventh birthday is like a week.” I can’t believe I forgot all about that until now. Dang.

“Exactly! You’re still a baby!”

Yet another battle I’ll never win.

“Look mom can I please just go back to my friends?” This is starting to get really awkward. I don’t like talking to my mom about this stuff, especially after the masturbation talk.

I shiver at the thought. 

“No! You are grounded!” She glares.

“For what?”

“For having sex!”

I glance over my shoulder at all three of my friends and sigh. All I wanted to do was enjoy the rest of the night, now mom thinks I'm a whore. Great.

"Mom please, can I just hang out with them tonight then tomorrow stay in my room forever?" It won’t be so bad considering Reed uses my room…

She looks at them then back at me and with a sigh she says, “Fine.”


I snuck into a rated R movie yesterday and now I feel like a bad person...

And that's why I didn't update yesterday. 


Put a <3 in your comment for a dedication!! 

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