Save Water, Shower With A Friend!

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Chapter Thirteen: Save Water, Shower With A Friend!


I groan. And open my eyes. I’m so stiff; it’s going to take forever to feel okay again. I stand up, getting off Reed, and stretch.

I can’t believe what happened last night, or this morning. I can’t believe Reed would actually break the law like that. Well at lease he did have his permit, it’s not like he drove without anything at all... but still.

“God I hate you.” I grumble glaring at him. He just smiles cutely.

Yes, Reed can be cute. Remember the puppy thing? As soon as he does something wrong he comes over and is all cute so maybe I’d forgive him easier. It works.

“Caleb!” My mom’s loud voice booms. Reed and I freeze. I’m too scared to look at her considering the expression on Reed’s face is scaring me. “I wake up to a phone call from the police! What did you two do?!” I shoot another glare at Reed. He has to explain this. It’s all his fault.

He sighs and clears his throat. “I, uh, was driving without a full license. I don’t know what I was thinking. It was stupid of me and I feel horrible. I know there is nothing I can do to make this right, but I can promise to never do anything like this again."

Mom lets out a frustrated breath. "That explains the car being gone. Boys I don't think I can trust you two here at the fair. You steal my car and get arrested. I think you need to go back home."

I finally turn towards mom. She looks so disappointed in both of us. God, I’ve never disappointed my mom or my dad like this. I feel terrible even though I really didn’t do anything wrong.

But at least I finally get to go home! That's a plus! I'm getting so tried if the fair. After a while it gets boring, and sleeping in a tent for that long is annoying.

But wait.

I promised I do it with Reed when we got home! I was expecting another week to date him and stuff! Now I have a day! I’m not ready to do it now! I mean I am but I’m scared, and I’d feel kinda whorish by sleeping with him after “dating” a week. I am not a ho!

"I already called your brother. He's coming to get you." Oh man. Steve is going to be so pissed. He already hates me; I don't need him to hate me more.

"I'm sorry." Reed apologizes again.

"Just, don't do anything like that again." Mom frowns at him. "If you do I'll have to call your parents. Caleb does not need to be around boys who get him in trouble." My eyes widen.

If he screws up again Reed has to go back home?! Who knows when I'll see him if he does! He lives three hours away! I'll never get to see him! Ever! I guess I’ll just have to teach him to be good? Maybe I’ll rub off on him. Both figuratively and literally.

What? I’m a teenage guy. Just because I don’t always say it doesn’t mean I don’t think it. Reed’s is damn sexy and as you saw last night I like being close to him.

After mom pays our bail- god that sounds terrible- and gets her car back we head back to the fair and pack our things. It's around lunch when Steve gets here and he's not happy. But surprisingly he doesn’t speak the whole car ride home. No one speaks. I fell asleep half way though and I’m pretty sure Reed fell asleep sometime after me because when I wake up he’s passed out.

I'm happy when we get home.

"Thanks fag, you wasted my whole day." Steve growls.

"Don't call him that." I freeze when Reed glares at my brother. "This was my fault. You blame me, not him. Asshole."

Steve's hands ball into fists and suddenly I start fearing for both my brother and Reed. If they get in a fight there's no way I'll be able to break it up! I'm not as strong as them.

"What did you just call me?" Steve hisses in a pissed off voice. He steps closer to Reed, getting in his face.

"You heard me." Although Reed is smaller than Steve, he still stands a good chance in fighting him. Steve is big and strong, but Reed is lithe and fast.

I have to stop this.

"Reed! I need to talk to you!" I squeak. "Like now please!"

He glances over at me then back at my brother. "Don't call him that again."

"Or what?" Steve pushes. "What are you going to do?"

"Tell your mom."

The room grows silent.

"You little fucker! You can't tell my mom!"

"Watch me."

The two share a hateful look before Steve stomps out of the house, slamming the door behind him. Reed grins proudly in victory.

"Okay, confused." I know mom would get mad if she found out what Steve said but why would he care? Steve doesn’t care if our parents are mad at him. Plus he’s an adult so he can do as he pleases.

"I overheard them talking. Your mom told Steve that if he didn't stop bothering you she'd stop paying for his car."

I grin. "You sneaky bastard."

"I try," he winks. "Anyways what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, nothing. I just didn't want you two fighting." I laugh. "Now I need a shower. I smell like, you mixed with gross." My nose crinkles up. I really do need to be clean. Who knows what types of diseases were there.

"Can I take one with you?"

I blush. “I, uh, okay."  Why am I agreeing to this?! I should have said no! I know what's coming and I don't think my butt is ready! But I promised...

Reed pulls me into the bathroom, locking the door behind us. I watch him turn the water on and then strip down to his boxers. Damn.

"You going to just stand there and watch?" He smirks.

"No." Shakily I pull my shirt over my head and throw it to the floor.

Reed watches carefully. "Listen I won't make you do anything you don't want. When I said join I mean just for a shower. Save water."

I smile a little. Bad boy Reed does has a sweet side. "Thank you."

"But you know if you want we can fuck, right?"

And there's my Reed.


Finally got 3,000 votes! And then I realize some people get over that on one story alone and I cry. I really wish my stories would be more popular...But I really do love you guys. Plus I get really lonely and writing is basically the only thing that can keep me busy and cheer me up.  So it really does help when you leave a comment or vote...

Thanks for everything,


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