Poorley cuddles and playlist reminders...

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Happy easter you lovely lot<3

Zoe's POV:;;:
I woke up the next morning in the comfiest place in the world, but it was suddenly interrupted with my tummy groaning, I felt so ill. I had never felt this sick in my life. I got up quickly and ran to the toilet, I sat on the edge of the bath, tears streaming down my face. I had had the best night ever and I realised how much Alfie ment to me.
"Zoe?" I heard alfie croak in the distance.
"I'm in here Alfie, I feel sick"
He came jogging in and wrapped his arm around my waist as he perched next to me on the bath.

Alfie's POV:;;:
(1hour later)
Zoe had been sick again and again and had an enormas head ache. We sat on her bed and I pulled her tiny waist in towards me and leant against the top of her head.
"I hate seeing you like this" I muttered
"I wish I could make it better for you"
We both then blushed a bright shade of pink and turned to face eachother.
"Alfie?" She whispered,
"I'm cold"
"Is that your code word for 'please cuddle me'?"
"How on earth did you guess?" She laughed,
I smothered her in towards me and she snuggled in and wriggled about a bit. I had made her take medicine, even though she refused. I just couldn't bare seeing her like this.
For the majority of the day we just cuddled, watching films and sleeping and although it sounds boring ... I could probley count it as one of the best days of my life...

Zoe's POV:
I woke up feeling better than I had that evening, thank goodness, I was still tight in Alfie's embrace, realising we both must have fallen asleep. I slowly slithered out of his grasp, in an attempt to slide underneath the covers. Just as I broke free and sat up and a cold shiver had ran down my spine.
I glared out of the window to see a huge bright white light shining in. I got up and stumbled over to the window sill. I crawled up onto the edge and just sat there for a while, simply just staring at the beautiful nights sky.

(The next morning)
I woke up cuddled into Alfie's chest, covered in goose bumps from the cold. All of a sudden my phones started going crazy with texts and emails, I pushed my self up onto my elbows and grasped onto my phone.
9.00am; 50 emails; 12 texts;
I started to read through the emails first and then soon realised why everyone was messaging;

Sent to: Zoe, Alfie, Chai, Marcus, Niomi, Jim, Tanya, Casper, Joe, Tyler, Joey, Colleen, Troye, Dan, Phil, Jack, Finn, Louise, Louis and Connor.

Oh crap. I had COMPLETELY forgotten about it, the email contained the planes, hotels and rooms. I was on a plane with Joe, Alfie, Louise, Marcus and Niomi. I was sharing a room with Louise, as always, And we were all booked into the same hotel, thank goodness.
I was so excited and I couldn't resist waking Alfie up and shaking him awake with joy. Although he looked extremely cute curled up, fast asleep.
"Alfie...alfieeeee" I called,
"Uhhhh? Zoe? What?"
"Playlist is in a week"
He rolled over and shook his head, burring it in the pillow. I put my freezing cold hand on his hot muscly back which caused him to flinch and groan even more.
"Zoe?" He questioned,
"Are you feeling better?"
Come to think of it, I had completely forgotten how ill I had been the afternoon before.
"Yeah actually, loads!"
"It must of been that cuddle that made it all better"
"Really Alfie?"
"Yep" he muttered as he turned round and sat up, grumbling as he did it.
I swung my legs round and jumped out of bed, I had only just realised that I had actually shared a bed with him. I shared a bed with my bestest friend. I grinned and turned to face him.

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