Packing for playlist...

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We had now arrived back and we needed to start packing for playlist that's in two days time.
"I should go back zo" Alfie said whilst sticking out his bottom lip at me.
"no don't go! I can't pack by myself" I looked him straight in the eye and pouted.
"I'll help you pack here on one condition" he said smiling.
"What's that?"
"That you come back to Brighton and help me pack"
"I don't want to travel on my own though" I frowned.
"You won't? I'll be there with you"
"No, when I go back again from Brighton to here"
"Stay at mine until playlist if you want" he asked, his voice full of hope.
My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, "deal" I said as we shook on it.
"Now, we need to pack" he laughed as I flopped down onto my bed.
"Come on sugg" he chuckled, he held his hand out, offering to pull me up, but I rejected.
He resulted in picking me up off my bed and cradling me like a baby, in his arms. He rocked from side to side and I snuggled my head into his stomach, breathing in his familiar scent, that I love.
He suddenly dropped his arms down lower and pretended to drop me, he didn't, of course, which resulted in me screaming and covering my face with my hands. "Alfieeeeeee" I whined, but he just carefully put me down, whilst cackling away.
I held up the mint and white striped dress against me.
"I like that one a lot" he smiled as he pointed at my suitcase. We had been here from a good hour trying to pack my stuff without getting distracted by talking.
This was about the 12th dress I had shown him and apt he 4th one in my case.
"You must be nearly done now zo" he sighed.
"One more thing" I grinned, as I thought of the current plan in my head.
I ran to his bag that he bought to mine, I dug into it p, pulling out clothes as I went. Bingo! I found a plain white pyjama t-shirt, it was Cotten and in a medium size, that was like an extra large for me.
"Perfect" I smiled,
"Okay then" he smirked.
"DONEEEEE" I shouted.
He laughed at me and pulled me into his lap. I stared into his eyes but looked away before it progressed. Instead, I wrapped my dainty little arms around his neck and snuggled into his neck. He leant back so he was lead on the bed and I shut my eyes.
"Zoepoo" I heard my name being softly spoken. I lifted my arms and pushed myself up, I had been asleep on top of Alfie for a while. 2 and a half .hours to be exact.
"Urughhh" i murmered whilst I squeezed my eyes shut as tight as i can.
"Come on liccle one, we need to go back to Brighton" Alfie whispered to me. I stood up and stretched, Alfie mirroring. I grabbed all my stuff and yawned. Alfie took this opportunity to stick his finger in my mouth mid yawn.
"ALFIE!!" I yelled, I was just answered by continuous cackling.
"Come on, you idiot" I grinned as I shook my head at his childishness.
I waved as we pulled out of the drive with our stuff loaded in the back. I clicked the cd on and one direction came blaring out of the speakers, causing myself and Alfie to burst out laughing as we sung/ shouted every single one of the lyrics that we knew off by heart.
Suddenly little things came on and I carried on singing even when I could feel Alfie staring at me whilst it played. I looked over to him and he just simply smiled and shook his head with laughter.

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