All planned out...

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"No Marky there coming at 7" I told him again for about the 5th time.
"This isn't gonna work nimbob, Zoe and Alfie have gotten to the point were there friendship is to strong" He said as he laughed at my hyperness.
I stopped wiggling and dancing around and thought about it for a moment.
Marcus told me that Alfie admitted he loved Zoe ages ago and then I told him what Zoe said to me in the toilets.
So we cleverly decided than when they come for a sleepover tonight were going to do proper couple things to make them see what it would be like.
I know... Genius!
"It will work!" I protested,
"Fine, if there friendship was like ours then it will" he spoke back as he wrapped his arms round my petite waist.
"They helped get us together, it's time to return the favour" I replied as I snuggled into his chest.

"I don't know what to take Alfie!" I said as i slumped down on my bed.
"Right then text Niomi or Marcus and ask what we're doing to that we can bring the appropriate clothes" he said as he leant against my bedroom wall.
Why did he always speak sense? Although you could why he's so friggin' perfect to! Stop Zoe.
I pull out my phone and scroll to find nimbob on my contacts.
'Haii there, just wondering what we're going to be doing? What clothes should we bring? Xxxx'
"Done" I sighed.
"What should I take out of this clothes pile?"
Alfie had a pile of clothes in the bottom of my wardrobe for when he came to stay with me and Joe as he does a lot of the time. Although they were pretty much all the same, white tshirts with different coloured sleeves. Cute.
"I think this one, red sleeves" I smiled.
"Okay will do" he grinned back as he shoved it in his bag to take.
My phone buzzed as I got a text.
'Hi ya, probley cinema to watch the new Avengers film if you want to and pizza face or wagamamas after? Then tomorrow... Idk?xxxxxx'
"Oh okay, she said..." I read the text out loud to Alfie.
"Oh nice! I've wanted to see that for ages" Alfie smiled.
"Good" I smiled back.
"That still doesn't solve what I should wear though" I exclaimed.
"I think..." Alfie started to pick out an outfit.
(Picture at the side) He threw my disco pants at me, followed by a grey baggy vest top thing, with an army printed jacket with studs. He continued scouting threw my draws when he came across a bra, pulled a face at it and chucked it at me too.
"Okay that's enough now Alfie" I laughed as the bra landed straight on my head.
"Are you now going to thank me sugg?"
"Thank you! Great outfit choice" I giggled.
"Come on then, LETS GET READYY" Alfie shouted.
"Sssshhhh you idiot" I said hitting him lightly.
I pushed all my clothes into a bag with a Guinea pig printed on the front that Tanya and Jim got me a while ago for my birthday, I giggled at the memory.
"What are you laughing at?" Alfie questioned whilst tilting his head like a pug.
"This bag" I lifted it up. He pulled another ugly face.
"What's the ugliest face you can pull" he shrugged his shoulders.
"No, come on now" I sighed dramatically.
I skipped over to him and put my cold hands on his face then pushed it around to make funny faces like we were 2 again.
I turned so he could see him self in the mirror.
He began doing his signature cackle and I took my hands away and laughed myself.
Tonight's going to be fun.

Two sides of the same story✽| ZalfieWhere stories live. Discover now