Riddle Brothers

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I wake up by the sound of my twin brother, Draco, screaming " Y/N WAKE UP WE HAVE A MEETING TODAY! " " ok dray I'm up now stop fucking screaming your giving me a headache " I say annoyed. " ok so mother said you had to wear the green dress she bought you yesterday " my brother said. " yeah yeah whatever can you leave me alone now" and with that I'm alone again.

I get up and go shower and put on my dress I look at my self and see my covers I have blonde straight hair, big pink lips, and pretty much everything a girl would want. You would think I'm happy because I'm rich and hot but nobody knows about my depression and anxiety only my brother.

I but on a black sweater to cover my arms that have cuts all over them. And with I go down stairs. When I get down I meet with my mother and brother. " oh darling you look beautiful " " thank you mother " I go stand next to my brother to wait till the Dark Lord gets here.

If you don't know all of my family is a death eater my brother and I got our Dark marks last year in our 16 birthday or at lest that's what we tell the death eaters when they ask us. We are now 17 and in our 7th year of Hogwords. My mom came over to me and whispered in my ear " you are going to sit in between Matthew and Tom today " and with that we were all going in the meeting room.

I'm so confused why the bloody hell am I supposed to sit in between both of the Riddle brothers. But I didn't so anything and did as told. When we all set down the Dark Lord begin " hello my fellow followers today I have to honored that both on my sons are getting married " will I feel fucking bad for both of those poor girls. " I am very pleased to say that the girl they will both be marring to is Y/n Malfoy " " WHAT " I shouted " IM NOT GOING TO MARRY YOUR FUCKING SONS " " you don't have a say on this " the Dark Lord said. I looked at my brother but he was looking down in guilty . Why would he feel guilty then it hit me he knew. HE KNEW AND HE DIDN'T TELL ME. I ran out with tears in my eyes when I got to my room I shut the door and locked the door.

I fell to the floor and started crying. My brother ,my best friend, knew I was going to get married and he didn't tell me I was so hurt. So I didn't the only thing I could think of I got my blade out and started cutting my arms.


I feel so stupid and guilty why didn't I tell her. A few moments later of she running out I ran right after her. I got to her room and hear soft crying I know I hurt her and I hurt her bad. " hey y/n/n can u please open the door" I say in a soft voice. " leave me the fuck alone" is all she says. I get it she is mad but I'll just tray one more time. " please y/n/n I'm sorry can you please open the door " I say my voice almost braking at the end because I know she might be cutting herself. I hate the thought of her or anyone hurting her. I might only be 12 minutes older then her but she is my little sister. Go away " is all she says in a weak voice. So I sit by the door waiting till she unlocks it.


After about twenty minutes after Draco ask to open the door. I went up to the door and slowly unlock it cuz I know he is still there.


When she unlocks the door and I see her my heart broke . Seeing her with the cuts in her arms and the fresh blood hurt me and knowing that I could have told her hurt me more I instantly hugged her and closed the door. She didn't day anything and nether did I we just stood there hugging for a long time. At that moment I didn't care if her blood got in my clothes I just cared that she was safe.


After a while of hugging he convinced me that I should change and he would help me clean my cuts. And he did after that he but my to bed and I fell asleep


After making sure her cuts were clean and that she was asleep I went to my room to change out of the bloody clothes. I don't know why my sister doesn't tell our parents about her depression and anxiety but I will keep my promise not to tell them. The only reason I found out is because I saw her cutting herself and she made me promise not to tell our parents. I know she is on the edge but still keeps her self not to fall. I just hope that the marriage doesn't push her over the edge. Well in 2 days we are going back to Hogwors. I hope that will make this more normal. I got to my bed and when to sleep it was. Already late so why not.

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