Part 11

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(Yeah you have brown hair not blond anymore)

I guess know that I look back at the time that I felt at home in Hogwors I was so stupid. This place is not my home, it never was it never will be.

The three of us went to the snaps class. When we got there we sat how we use to. At the end of the class with me in the middle of the boys. When we where all settle down Snap told all of us to stand and to go stand around the walls. He said. "This year we are going to have assigned seats so when I call your name come and sit down." He stared calling names but u didn't pay attention until I heard a group get called. "Theodore, Lorenzo and Draco" what we all looked at each other. But they had to go before they got in trouble the group be sids them was even more annoying " Riddle, Y/N and Riddle" he had to sit the was Snap was calling us so I couldn't have one of the guys on my said I had to be in between the Riddles. I sat in between them and when I did, one of Matthews and Toms veiny hands were on my thighs. Matthew hand was on my outer upper thigh and Toms on my middle inner thigh.(Matthew is on your right and Tom your left). I moved a little but they both tightened their grip on my thighs and Matthew started to massage a little with his thumb(not is a nice way he is doing it hard so it hurts). I grabbed both of their hand with one of mine, and I tried to pull them off of my thighs. Their hands were strong and bigger then mine so they just grabbed my thigh even harder. It was starting to hurt bc they were holding my thighs with a lot of force. Tom was holding it tighter then Matthew. So I said " aw Tom your hurting me" I said with both of my hand on his trying to take it off my thigh. "Pay attention you have to pass your classes" Tom said in a cold voice. "Tom plz it hurts" I whispered again. "Don't make us have to give you a punishment because your not paying attention and trust me we don't care if we just got engaged we will punish you." Tom said in a cold voice. I unexpectedly whimpered at his words. Tom saw my reaction to his words and just smirked at me. Why did he just make me feel like a 3 year old. What the hell. Shit it hurts. I looked down at Matthews hand to see his thumb still giving me a bruise. I pulled on his sleeve like a little kid. He looked at me with a raised eyebrows. "Can you plz stop doing that it's hurting me a lot" I said looking down while one of my hands holding his thumb. He looked at his brother and they both looked at me. I didn't look up cuz I felt little for some odd reason. "Look at me." Matthew said in a strong voice. I slowly looked up to meet his eyes. "Say it again while are you looking into my eyes" Matthew said. "C-can y-you plz st-stop doing that I-it hurts" I said stuttering. "Are you telling me what to do?" Said Matthew. "Wh-what no I was just-" I didn't finish when felt Toms hand squeeze my thigh hard. I gasped at his action. "Didn't I tell you to pay attention" asked Tom. "Yes but I was j-just asking Matt-Matthew to plz stop do-doing that bc it hu-hurts" I said barley being a whisper. "That's not an excuse, I told you to pay attention and you still didn't pay attention. What did I tell you that we would do if you didn't pay attention?" Tom asked in a dark voice. "Uh-I-umm-y-you-uhh" I looked down and didn't look at nether of them. "Answer us when we are talking to you y/n" Matthew said in a cold voice. Shit. Matthew hand slid to my inner thighs and Toms moved his more up. Now both of their hands were an inch away from my pussy. If they just moved their thumb a little more up they would be touching it. "Ok class dismissed" said Snap. I got up so quickly and walked to the guys. (That was the table next to yours) fuck that was close.

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