Part 14

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"Severus" she said coming into his class room. The men looked up at the thing he had closest to a daughter. "Yes y/n" I sat on the seat in grunt of her. "So the Riddles just forced me to tell them why you were nice so it slipped out that you were my godfather so now they know and I know you don't like people know and I'm sorry I just-" I said talking fast. "Y/n it's fine I don't care if people know that your my goddaughter it's perfect fine." He looked back down and started doing a his work again. I went and sat my the window and looked outside. We sat in a comfortable silence until he spoke. "Y/n were did your parents send you the past 2 years. You don't have to tell me if your not comfortable telling me" I looked up to see him already looking at me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "They send me to some people called WICKED they put me and some other kids through tasks I guess you can say. WICKED put you through hell. Some kids made it out some didn't but the ones that did make it out will never forget the ones who didn't." I said. "I'm sorry I would have done something to stop them, I should have figured it out before they sent you to those filthy people." He said looking down. "Severus, don't blame yourself it wasn't your fault. But I wouldn't have changed a thing about what happened to me. Yeah I went through hell with those people but if I hadn't gone through that, I wouldn't have met my home nor my family. I wouldn't have fallen in love, I wouldn't have made a family, I wouldn't have found my home, and I won't have found myself. I went through a lot of hurt and pain but I also found the place where I belong, a place were I felt loved and wanted. Severus I found my home with the boys, the Glade is my home. Even tho I don't see the guys any more and even tho I lost some of them, they are still in my heart and I still love them." I said. He was looking at me at this paint. "How was he" he asked. "Who?" I asked a little confused. "The lucky guy that you fell in love with." Snap said. I smiled at the thought of him. "He was perfect. I couldn't ask for more. He was kind, smart, and he cared for me when I was at my worst. I loved him so much I still do, I think of him every day. I think of all the boys every day. To be honest that is the thing that keeps me going every day." I said remembering all of them. "I'm glad you found your home y/n. You might not be in it anymore but you will always have it in you heart." He said smiling. "Your right I always will have them in my heart." I said getting up.  "Good night Severus I'm going to headroom bed." I said walking to the door. "Good night y/n"

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