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This was it.this was The last time I was gonna deal with Anthony's bullshit.I wanted to be able to defend myself and that's exactly what I was gonna do.but not before seeking some revenge at the same time...

I looked up at the banner which read 'miyagi-do karate we kick the competition'-Daniel laRusso...
What better was to get revenge then to learn my defence from my bully's dad.I approached the gate and walked in.I thought'there's no turning back now and my heart was pounding faster I was about to start my journey to vengeance.when I got further in I was met with a Muntiple teens who looked to be around 16-17 I got a bit nervous when I realised no one my age was there I'm not gonna lie my heart was pounding 100 miles an hour.one kid saw me and pointed over to me showing all the teens that i was present.
?:"what are you doing here kid?"a boy with a purple Mohawk said to me.

Y/n:"I wanted to learn karate and I heard this was the best place to go"I said embarrassed that everyone was looking at me.my hands started to tremble as someone spoke.

Daniel:"what's all the commotion about".a man who I believe was Daniel laRusso said.

The boy with the Mohawk spoke once again"she's a new recruit"he gave me a gentle smile.even though he seemed intimidating he spoke with such delicacy as if he was afraid that he'd do somthing wrong.

Daniel looked at me"alright you lot carry on training I'll train the new recruit your previous teachings."he said in a soft tone yet strict at the same time."welcome to Miyagi-do"he said to me as he smiled."I will be your sensei from no on and teach you the teachings of defence and how you should win fairly in karate and play by the rules"

I smiled at him"yes sensei"
He smiled back.at first I was quite confused as he made me do some chores like painting a fence and cleaning his cars luckily I had patience so I waited till he came back and asked him "when are we gonna start the karate?"

Daniel:"trust the process and keep going your doing a great job!"he sent me a smile and tbh I was getting pretty annoyed and I could barely keep my patience.

30 mins later:

Daniel approached me and said it was time I was so happy and determined I didn't even care that he had me doing chores for the past hour I just wanted to learn karate.
Daniel:"show me wax on and wax off"Daniel said and I did as I was told as he was throwing jabs at me and I was instantly blocking his hits.
"Wow this is amazing I didn't expect that those chores would be used I thought you were just using me to get your chores done."I shot him a smile along with a little giggle.he looked at me and responded
"I would never take advantage of my students only teach them skills they never knew they had"he smiled.

After a couple wks I had trained hard and caught up to the older kids fast and I was one of the top students in the class me larusso was a big father figure in our lives even though he werent our real father he'd be there for you when u needed someone to talk to and make you smile when you were down.

in school I ignored Anthony and he ignored me sometimes he'd put stupid hate notes in my locker or do something that would piss me off but I held it in however Kenny couldn't...Kenny had also joined a dojo just not the same one as me.his was named cobra Kai...yes our dojos were enemies but that couldn't stop our friendship.Kenny told me that larusso was suspended last lesson due to him bullying Kenny and me and Kenny hit some revenge on his mates to scare them a little k was proud he weren't taking there shit anymore and I decided neither was i....

I hope this was a decent sized chapter for you guys lmao hope you enjoyed and I can't wait to see what y/n will do can you?I'll post the next part in a few hours as I should get to sleep now also thankyou for 1000 reads it's absolutely amazing thanks for all the support💗✨

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