Operation Seastrike (Part 1)

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With the operation started, almost every ship at Azur Lane based left the area with the Autobots and NEST on their side.

On Enterprise, Yorktown and Hornet's carrier are sailing in the middle between them. Onboard her ship, Yorktown, and Belfast are alongside her while Hornet is sitting in the plane cabin.

Enterprise: Are you really ready to go for this battle nee-san?

Belfast: Considering that fact, you are not fully healed yet, and you'll be facing against a new threat to humanity.

Yorktown: I maybe glad that the Sirens are out of the way which is an unexpected victory. But I must continue fighting to get rid of the threat of the beautiful ocean.

Enterprise: Nee-san...

Sentinel Prime: The Decepticons are not an easy enemy to fight.

Enterprise: O-Optimus Sentinel...

Belfast: How long you two have been here?

Optimus Prime: Ever since we've heard your conversation. Yorktown I know you're eager to bring peace to your world, but the enemy that you'll be facing against at is a lot more stronger than your previous enemy.

Sentinel Prime: He's basically right. Especially Megatron in which he'll be almost impossible to take him down and the most threatening than any other Decepticon the Autobots and humans alike ever faced. Only I and Optimus are able to fight him.

Belfast: Well miss Yorktown?

Yorktown: Enterprise, Hornet if you'll be fighting off against the new enemy, I'll try give you some of my supporting attacks and you'll protect me. How does that sound?

Hornet: Sounds like a great idea nee-chan!

Enterprise: You've taken care and protected us before nee-san, don't worry we'll do the same for you, we won't let you down!

Yorktown: Thanks for that respond Enty~

Enterprise: Would you stop calling me that? It's embarrassing...

Meanwhile at the Decepticons' location

Somewhere where both the Orochi and every Decepticon mothership is located, U-47 is currently behind bars and also guarded by Decepticon Protoforms.

U-47: Hopefully my comrades will be able to rescue me...

She's then interrupted with the opening of the door. The one who entered was none other than Amagi the Sakura Empire battlecruiser turned Decepticon.

Amagi: So how the prisoner is going?

Protoform #1: *talking Cybertronian*

Amagi: I see so she hasn't been trying to escape. Hmmm... How about if you two go out for a minute?

Protoform #2: *talking Cybertronian*

Amagi: Don't worry, I can keep an eye on her.

The Protoforms looked at each other for a moment, then they agreed on Amagi's request and they left the two behind. Amagi then takes her advantage.

U-47: Why are you here for and what do you need from me?

Amagi: I just wanna talk about something.

U-47: And that is?

Amagi: About me.

Amagi then showed her belt that has her Decepticon symbol, she opened it up revealing the Sakura Empire emblem leaving U-47 shocked.

U-47: Why Sakuran like you joined those ferocious foes?!

Amagi: I decided too and needed of more power to become stronger, since Lord Megatron told me it's for the future of the Sakura Empire.

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