The Next Leader

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Decepticon Airship (1 Day After Operation Seastrike)

Barricade: I can't believe it, Megatron really is dead

Soundwave: Our master died, and the Autobots have won once again...

Starscream: I don't think it's that bad, I can now have my chance to be leader!

Soundwave: Really? I doubt you'll be able to last long!

Starscream: Come on now, this is the chance I've always wanted... To lead you all!

Blackout: I cannot deny but I agree with Soundwave...

Starscream: But I'll let you all know I'm still a strong Decepticon!

Barricade: Strong yeah you had it. But in your spark you've been always a coward.

Starscream: Thanks...for the vote of confidence.

Then the door opens revealing Shockwave entering the room.

Shockwave: What is the ruckus all about?

Barricade: Ah Shockwave were currently discussing of who should lead the Decepticons.

Soundwave: Starscream right here is insisting of being the leader

Starscream: Of course I insist, you know that I'm Megatron's 2nd in Command!

Shockwave: I see so you all are deciding...

Blackout: We even tried training on leading but everything always goes out of order even Soundwave's commands can be complicated to say the least

Shockwave: Hmm... This is just illogical if we continue of who will lead this way... Then I'll make this decision.

Barricade: What is it you had in mind Shockwave?

Shockwave: I'll go into leading the Decepticons.

Starscream: W-WHAT?! You as our leader?!

Soundwave: Not a bad idea I should say!

Starscream: W-wait how... How can you had the ability to lead the Decepticons?!

Shockwave: Well... I haven't said this to all of you but... I'm his other 2nd in Command of the Decepticons.

Starscream: Say what?! Megatron hasn't said anything about that before!

Barricade: I've never heard something like this before...

Shockwave: I know that it may be surprising to all of you, but he really did told me this.

*FLASHBACK to Cybertron* 

Shockwave: You've called me Lord Megatron?

Megatron: Yeah and I needed to tell you something important.

Shockwave: And what could it be Lord Megatron?

Megatron: You may have currently known that Starscream is my 2nd in command right?

Shockwave: Yeah and what should do about it my liege?

Megatron: Well I've been thinking since I have a bit of low trust on Starscream, in which he always tries to overthrow me as leader and even killing me, disobeying some of my orders and failing them I would like you to be my other 2nd in command.

Shockwave: M-me?! I'm just merely a scientist who barely enter on any battles with the others.

Megatron: Well it's just that your quick thinking of how to fight the Autobots with your invention is what made it work Shockwave, I can see the potential that you'll be able to lead without a sweat and if ever there's a moment I'll die, you better take that leadership for me.

Shockwave: It'll be an honor Lord Megatron...

Megatron: Good, you're dismissed.

*Present time*

Shockwave: And that's how it all ends along with the current situation in hand.

Blackout: To think someone like our mighty leader to let Shockwave to be his successor... It's not a bad idea after all!

Soundwave: If it's Shockwave that would lead us then I trust him

Barricade: For sure his leadership will be as great as Megatron's.

Shockwave: You all seem to trust me a lot and I feel relieved to that... So Starscream, would you let me lead the Decepticons?

Starscream: ...If that's what they say then I have no choice but to accept... Alright then Mr. Leader, what will your first orders be?

Shockwave: Now that you say that...

To be continued

A/N: Yeah it's been a while since I've visited Wattpad and my story is always like standing by for quite a time. Well that's because I'm so occupied into playing Azur Lane NIKKE and MLBB and even had a lot of stuff to do at school. And yeah the month long hiatus is over, I don't know when I'll make another hiatus on my story again but hopefully I'll be able to add new parts of the story when I had the time. Have a safe day and this is MARKSGRAND rolling out!

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