Chapter 7: Ice-cream

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Chapter 7: Ice-cream

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Chapter 7: Ice-cream.

The sound of students talking and laughing are all over the school parking lot. The classes were not as intense as before. The day feels short. It's a relaxing afternoon. Getting into his car, he smiles at the golden light of the sun at this hour of the day. Always delightful and calming. The weather is fine for summer. Jungkook is grateful for the wind that's blowing around the area. At least the car is not too hot because of the heat, but for someone specifically, it might be real hot. Might have been.

Starting the engine as he looks at the view at his front, Jungkook's smile grows bigger. It's more like a playful and evil smirk caused by his pink-haired best friend who's appearing outside the building. There's Chanyeol walking beside him, holding all of Jimin's books. Jimin's eyes roam around the parking lot until he sees Jungkook in his car. They mostly come to school and go home together.

He sees Jimin turns to Chayeol and tries to get his book back, but it seems like the taller boy insists. Jimin then tries harder to get his book back. He seems in a hurry. So hurry it makes Jungkook chuckle. Saying goodbye to Chanyeol, he turns his back and walks at a fast pace. Almost looks like he's running. Every move doesn't slip from Jungkook's eyes. He knows that he's the reason why Jimin is rushing.

"Hey." Jimin opens the back of the car to put his books in before he comes to sit on the front seat beside Jungkook's quantum gray Audi A5.

"You're late." Jungkook smirks. He starts to drive off the parking lot.

"I know. Chayeol offered to drop me off, so it took some time to politely say no to him." Jimin explains, glancing at Jungkook's lips before he licks his own. Jungkook doesn't notice.

Since when Jimin says no politely to those boys who chase him?

"Oh you should have let me know. Why didn't you go with him?" Jungkook smiles. He knows exactly why. It happens many times when he used to seduce Jimin during the day at school, and the smaller one would lose his focus on anything else.

No need to question. Again, it's not the first time they lead each other on to sex at school. When that happens, it's known by both of them that sex is expected by the end of the day. Determine young boys. Blame their hormones and a little bit Jungkook. "You know why." Jimin shoots a glare.

"I don't."

"Stop playing and keep driving." Jimin orders before he crosses his arms. "I told him maybe another time. It's too early to trust him." Jimin scratches his nape as he bites his lips. Jungkook's smell is arousing. Way too arousing.

'There will be another time?'

Jungkook feels his stomach tense up thinking about the image he witnessed of Jimin and Chanyeol sitting together at lunch. "So how was your lunch date?" He asks casually.

"It's cool. He seems nice." He lies. The boy was nice. It's true, but Jimin actually only remembers himself sweating and trying to focus on Chanyeol while all he had in his mind was Jungkook's words about scratching him. He feels guilty for being that way. Even Chanyeol noticed and asked if he was fine. With what Jungkook did, and with Jungkook also being in that same canteen, how can Jimin put his mind into someone else? Thinking of the lunch incident makes Jimin's stomach churns. "Can you drive faster?" Jimin lets out a sigh, trying his best to breathe normally.

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