Chapter 29: Unrealistic expectations

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A/N: Have I ever told you that we team angst?

Chapter 29: Unrealistic expectations

Jimin: Jungkook, Ray drove all the way from his place which is two hours and a half away just to pick me up. He even dropped me off after we hung out. You think he likes me?

Jungkook: Yeah. I mean he puts effort into seeing you. Do you like him more than in a casual way?


Jimin: Ray had a meeting in the city, so he dropped by to see me. That's pretty sweet.

Jungkook: Cool. When is the next date?

Jimin: I don't know. He's going on a trip. We'll see after he's back from that trip.


Jungkook: How are things with Ray?

Jimin: It's ok. Recently, he's been pretty busy with work, so I don't know when we are going to meet.


Rebound is needed to get over someone. It's just to help get through a painful moment, or sometimes, it's just to get through the night. Therefore, rebound it is, and friends with benefits is a perfect relationship to go for. At least, Jimin thought it's perfect and fit the most. Anything to just finally get over Jungkook.

Jimin might have forgotten that friends with benefits will only burn. This type of relationship can make things messy when feelings get in the way. If not feelings, then it's the expectations that should be expected in the first place. For Jimin's case, personally, it's all about replacing Jungkook. Consciously or subconsciously, he looks for Jungkook in Ray.

Who knows? Maybe the deepest down Jimin's heart, he might want the other one to even fall for him. Cuddling, after care and sweet kisses, Jimin expected to get them. They're what Jungkook never gave, so Jimin's ego just wants to prove that someone will give it to him. Someone nicer than Jungkook. Better than Jungkook. If Jimin thinks more carefully, he would be aware that he's not in the right direction looking for those things.

Those things Jimin wants are not expected at all in friends with benefits. Ray doesn't need to even hang out with Jimin, and he really doesn't. Ray was always in a rush, so cuddling and after care hasn't been happening. They're always postponed. Ray wouldn't have time to hang out because of work.

Jimin: Jungkook. Do you think Ray still likes me? He came to see me, but he didn't have time to hang.

Jungkook: Maybe he's busy?

Jimin: Hey, can you help me? He doesn't reply to my text.

Jungkook: Ah what do you need help with?

Jimin: What do you do? I mean... What do you type to start a convo?

Jungkook: Why don't you ask Taehyung about it?

Jimin: He doesn't like Ray that much.

Jungkook: How's school Jimin? Have you been focusing?

Jimin: Yeah. The classes are not too busy. It's just the second semester. Now help me with the text. Should I start with something seductive?

After some amount of sex, Ray starts to fade, and Jimin was freaking out as if Ray is the last piece of hope. So desperate for things to be how he wants. Jimin thought it's the friends with benefits relationship he's most familiar with. He didn't think about how burnt it can be for him.

Jimin: Jungkook.


Jimin: Jungkook, are you there? Can I call?


Jimin: Jungkook, please reply. I really need you right now. Can I please call?


Jimin: Are you seriously not going to reply? I need you. Can you read my text please?


Jimin: Please, Jungkook. Just answer my call.

Jimin types, feeling the burn in his chest. Jungkook has been disappearing for weeks, and Ray who just dropped him mid way back to his apartment is fading away. Jimin just sits at the bus stop, waiting for Uber, thinking about how Ray said he doesn't feel like kissing anymore. How dry can it be? Recently, sex with Ray has been quick. No holding hands on a car ride.

Just rushing energy. A quickie energy even, and Jimin feels like an object to Ray. All he wants right now is Jungkook's presence. Where is he? Why is this happening again?  Why is Jimin someone who's being looked over again? Is he not loved? They don't think he deserves it?

Is he always just an object? Is he just a body to enjoy but never wanted or needed?

Why did he do this to himself in the first place?

Why did Jimin come this far just to prove something about Jungkook who doesn't even seem to care?


End of chapter

A/N: Are you having a wtf moment with this chapter?

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