~Third Date~

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The next day, and it was almost sundown, only 6:23, Outside of the Pride Ring, far away from there, from the Wrath ring, and in the seas, Bee was entering inside one of the tunnels in the underground, inside her spawning room, she held onto something she prepared, her sweet stew of cooked imp remains and goop of sweet substances of candy, mixed together to enjoy, she flies over to where the nests are right, the supper was for her little ones, the little larvae children she heavily prepares for them to feed before she goes off to this stupid excuse of a party she thought of going after all, even if she didn't want to.

She goes to the cotton candy-coated nest, where hundreds of them were asleep, one of them woke up, notices Bee flying towards them, the larva made a small noise to lure the others, a warning that the queen is here, the larvae perked up their little heads as the bug monster flew over, puts the giant pot in the middle of the nest, the larvae squealed in joy as they crawl and flew over to the pot, devouring the stew, Bee watched as they are being fed, eating the goop.

"Now, please take and save for all of you to enjoy, there's plenty of room for everyone."

She reminds them before leaving the spawning room, she heads out of the underground, and flew back to the main city.

She flew back into one of the open windows of the castle, leading into her room, standing o to her legs, fixes up her pigtails from the strong breeze, it was time for her to get herself ready.

She has her servants prepare her dress to wear, some fixes up her hair and makeup, even adding bits of color onto her wings, giving it more of a colorful shine, the other servants heads her over the dress to wear for tonight, she proceeds to grab it, and changes into it, wearing like a Lolita dress, giving her pigtails with bubblegum ribbons to help hold them, and adds a bow onto the backside of her dress, the servant bowed to her as she leaves her room, she flew outside of the castle, and into the city block.

The boat was already prepared for her, Bee walks down from the main dock, the gluttony Imps watches as she passed by, Bee looks at the boat, and then turns around to her people.

"Everyone, I know this seems..New for me to leave for the first time, but this is for an important value I must go, it may be boring, but I just want everyone to know all the rules, and please respect our land, no one must break them, the superiors are gonna watch over all of you, making sure there aren't any bad influences here, of someone breaks one or many of our rules, there will be consequences, Understood."

The gluttony Imps nodded, smiling, the insect demons, ones that are more bug-like demons flew down, and guarded everyone to stay in the island, patrolling the town while Bee is going out on her own, Bee senses this was her cue to leave, she steps inside the boat, the boat driver starts up by putting in power of the engine, and then activating it before he jumps back inside, and takes the wheel, Bee sat down one of the chairs, they were soft, so it'll be easy for her to relax while in this boat rip, she is a bit nervous going back to the Pride Ring, but also more annoyed of how it's going to play out, she didn't like what has in store for her by the time she gets here, she leans back, trying to lay herself down on her seat, while the boat travels out of the Gluttony waves, making their arrival down to the warmth trail.

At the Pride ring, Filimena gets ready in her night with Asmodeus once again, as she tries her dress out, it was pink, of course, but it was also sparkling, and the tips were like ribbons, and also pieces of jewels, shaped like hearts, she carefully puts her hair together in a neat comb, she looks at the mirror, smiled to herself.

"Okay, tonight will be good, you're gonna hangover Ozzie once more, you can do this, don't..think of anything strange this time, just..Be natural."

She said to herself, with a little smile escapes from her mouth, she then leaves, and heads down the city block to meet up where Asmodeus would be visiting at.

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