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Filimena was asleep in her own bed, peacefully under the moonlight shining through the window, the covers were keeping her warm, and the lava lamp lit up part of the room, Filimena turns over to the side, she took a peek by slightly opening one of her eyes, seeing Asmodeus still passed out and sleeping on her sofa, his colorful made it noticeable for her to see, she still smiles and closes her eyes again, comforting herself under the warm think covers, and lays her head on the soft pillows.

The room was dark again, as Filimena slept through the quiet room, she then scents something sweet, and felt the coldness hitting in the room, she slightly opens her eyes, notices the same colorful fog around her again, turns out, she's back in her own dream world, she heard the same smooth laughter in the room, she slowly gets up, wondering what's next in store for her tonight, and hopefully no interruptions this time, she Then spots a spotlight in the center of the room, she follows it, shortly after making it, it shuts off, the fog follows as well, wrapping around her, it changes her appearance into her dress, the one she wore at Lucifer's anniversary party, and at the nightclub, but the outfit was a bit different, the dress was more sensual than how it is, she wanders around the room, trying to find something, until the laughter came back once again, the fog reveals a new area of the dream, she turns her direction to that area, and was suddenly greeted by the sight of Dream Asmodeus, he wears his tuxedo from tonight, like Filimena, his was also different, having his front part completely open, showing off his bare chest, he has on his gentle smirk, eyes filled with lust, staring down to the Love spirit, Filimena looks up as she comes to him, Asmodeus's arms were behind his back, and his feathers move in a brief motion.

"Welcome back~ All dressed I see, well, brace yourself now, we've arrived to our stop~"

He lend his hands to hers, leading her inside a small building, a fancy bar, with a neon pink sign that glows, Filimena still looks around at the atmosphere, knowing for sure, it's only a dream, but a beautiful dream, they got inside, revealing the inside, Asmodeus picks her up, and then threw her to one of the bar stools, she bounces on one, landing right in front of the bar table, Asmodeus walks over and sat down too, the drinks magically appeared as they settle in, both looked down at the steaming pink beverages upfront, they grab each of their glasses.

"Cheers for this fine, and an outstanding night~"

Asmodeus said as he held his glass to Filimena, she smiles and clanks the glasses together, and both took their sips. Filimena felt the same spicy, yet sweet after taste on the drink, Asmodeus finishes his before she could complete hers. He then looks over to the Love spirit, and suddenly for Filimena, felt something stroking onto his back, she turns around to see Asmodeus doing it.

"You look pretty tense, any reason as to why that is?"

He asked, Filimena looks up to him, blushed, she doesn't see tense or anything, she's at the moment, had something in her mind, like confusion, or even puzzled about everything, whatever if it's real or just in her imagination.

"I..I'm just...It's only the puzzles in my head, that I'm trying to figure out, I...Don't know How I can confront about this, it's only two days away before..Valentines day, and I don't know how I'm going to make it effect beforehand, I..Don't know How he's gonna respond to this, I don want this to go wrong, but I don't want to lie to him, it's all really confusing."

Filimena rubs the side of her head, until she felt Asmodeus's head travel to her chin, it then tilts her vision to him, seeing his charming smirk, she stood there in silence, always staring down deep into those hollow green eyes.

"There's never always a complicate manner you can't bare to hide, when it has something to do with me, don't let these silly thought hit ou and just let it out, like the desirable screams that's just waiting to set free, here, how about a little "refreshment" for you to clear off your head~"

~Love For Asmodeus~ {A Helluva Boss Love Story}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang