~Sneaked out~

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The two love demons walked downtown, Filimena traveled beside him in all times during the trail, Asmodeus goes onto his phone, texted fizz about him and Filimena already left Lucifer's to do something else in the meantime, Filimena thinks about this brief moment they both shared at the ballroom, before things took a turn when Fizz turned everyone crazy, about this first dance, not like the dances they had in the lust ring, like, a peaceful, and an elegant dance she'd think it was the first time she had with Asmodeus, it was something unexpected, but somehow pretty sweet, her face still was pink from earlier, felt his hands on her, and how close she was to him, do..Friends Get close to each other like that, in a comforting situation? Filimena was going into her train of thought, knowing recently in some of her dates, she noticed how she was with Asmodeus, she wondered how Asmodeus felt after all this, probably didn't care, since it happens to him all the time, with other demons touching or were close with him, but she wondered how he felt when she's doing it. But she didn't really want to get into some personal matters now.

"So where are we going?"

Asmodeus was still on his phone, he finishes up and stuffs it back inside his pocket.

"Oh, I had to text Fizz, and looked for a nearby nightclub we can occupy ourselves in the meantime, I wanted to check if this Ring's nightclubs are good as my Ring, oh, since you live here, are any of your nightclubs hype like mine?"

"Oh, there are hundreds somewhere, most famous is over there, far from here, but I can use my teleportation to sent us over."

"Well then, lead the way!"

Filimena uses her magic to teleport herself and Asmodeus to another area of the Pride Ring, they spawn over in another town, much bigger, and behind them were stairs, leading to the nightclub she though it is the best out of all the nightclubs she'd visited.

Asmodeus turns around to see the nightclub, music was blasting loudly from the inside, and there was a line of demons, waiting to get inside, he smiles, liking the outside a lot.

"Well now, this just got interesting! Off to a good start so far."

"Heh, yeah, it's best here, and has a successful track record to being the 1# nightclub in the Pride Ring, luckily, I believe I do have a pass to get inside for free, so that's another good thing."

"Awesome, let's go then."

They both step down the steps and to the line of all the local demons were waiting patiently, and some impatiently to get in, Filimena and Asmodeus passes through, cutting in line to the first row, some demons were complaining at them, getting upset as they push them aside, Filimena kept apologizing them as she and Asmodeus make their way to the first row, but then, the bouncer stops them before entering through the door.

"Hold up, you two, you're not suppose to be cutting inside without a pass or a membership."

The two of them paused, Asmodeus was going to say something, but Filimena interrupts as she lend out her card.

"Oh, we're sorry mister, but we have a pass, getting in this club for free, here."

She shows the card, the bouncer looks at it, he then nods, proceeds to let them in as he opens the door for them, they happily got inside. Asmodeus and Filimena walked down a few more steps, leading down to where the real fun takes in, they made it down, and both move the sparkling curtains to reveal the night club itself, neon lights blasted through the room, music was blasting out loud as demons danced, and all were very active, Asmodeus was amused by the sight, yep, just as expected quite a lot, still not fully as most of his nightclubs back home, thid one however, it still caught him by surprise.

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