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Times flies by after hours and hours on once a sunny afternoon, turning into the nightly evening once again, at the Pride Ring, it was less crowded, as more of the demons were already heading off to bed early, or just occupied with their hellish activities as usual. In one of the buildings, at a rave shop, two certain spirit left, Filimena and May, as both girls walked down the sidewalk, they were finishing up their hangover for today, since May had to go back to the Happy Hotel again, the two of them did a lot of things, skating, shopping, visiting more concerts, and even did a soda drinking contest, the two cousins waved at each other, before both left each other alone for tonight, Filimena watches as May teleports away, leaving her out in the city all on her own, it didn't bother her though, as she has to get ready for her final date with Asmodeus, before the big day tomorrow, she this time was early to arrive back to the Lust Ring, almost a half an hour passed, she was already dressed, and is all ready to go, she heads down the usual track that leads to Ozzie's, it happens again and again, four, or maybe five times in a row for this week, she made it back to the building, Asmodeus texts her to meet her outside, since he is getting ready for himself, and had to take care of small measures before he leaves, Filimena patiently waits for the lord, feeling the cold gust of wind blowing her, music from the building was the only thing to keep herself awake.

Filimena waited for a few minutes straight, but not long as before, during that, she watches the sight of everything in the city while waiting for Asmodeus, while that, something unexpected caught her attention immediately, she saw two succubi exiting out of the building, looking further to see it was the bouncer and Kira, leaving to go elsewhere, due to her curiosity, remembering about him and her discussion, she knew she had to see what's going to happen, waiting for Asmodeus will have to be patient for now, as she follows the two succubi, they both head to the back of the building, and Filimena turns her invisibility spell on to not make both of them know she's there. The bouncer looks around, making sure the two of them are alone, Kira looks at him with concern.

"Uhh, Where are we going?"

She said the bouncer, hoping there wasn't anything suspicious going on.

"Just..Follow me."

He found a backdoor, picks up a spare of key from his pocket, this door leads to the power source room, he unlocks the door, and pulls her inside, closing the door behind them, Filimena teleports inside the room, she spawns behind a few boxes, peeks up to see how the bouncer and Kira are doing, they both stood there, looking at each other in silence, Kira crossed her arms.

"Sooo, What is this about?"

The bouncer sighs, try to remain calm and looked at her.

"Sorry if I had to bring you over like this, But uhh, I..Have something, I like to..say."

Kira tilts her head, Filimena still watches.

"Yes? Spit it out already."

"..Look, I Know we don't know each other very well, but, we do work together at the same job, but the point is, I uhh..I don't know what I'm actually feeling, It's..Something that I had to deal for the past few months, no..No that's not right."

He struggles with his words, Kira still stood there patiently of what he's trying to say.

"Listen, I uhh, until being forward about this, and have to honest here, you..Caught me in this situation, where your attractiveness is glued inside my head, I don't know why, but when I first saw you, and look at you, you aren't like any other succubi I've seen, you more than that, you're like a whole different species of what a succubus doesn't even have, your eyes are admiring, your face is pretty, your hair, your skin, your horns, and wings, everything you have are all so perfect, the more I see your feature, I couldn't help but watch your beauty kick in, you're always the center of attention, and the only woman I wanted to talk to, while I avoid others to try and get me into them, but, I feel as if though, I would sound like a total loser to just come up to you and say it out loud. What I'm saying is that I...I liked you, there, I said it, I have feeling with you, even you never see it or knew about."

~Love For Asmodeus~ {A Helluva Boss Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now