7: mother duck and gifts

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(Narrative POV)

It was so far a good day. No chaos, no arguments, no shouting. Something kokuyōseki enjoys almost as much as a certain black haired teacher.

Speak of the devil, had entered the common room, followed by two small children.

The tired man looked around to see if anyone was present around the area, only to see a certain black and white haired teen sitting down on the couch while drawing in a notepad. Seeing as nobody else was present, he seemed to have no other choice.

"Kokuyōseki, I need to ask something of you."

The teen didn't bother look up.

"What, if I may ask, is this favor, erasurehead?"

The man looked to the two children, the first being a stubborn cole black haired boy with a red cap with two horns on it. The second being a girl with whitish grey hair, along with a horn from her quirk.

Sighing, he looked back to the direction of the teen.

"I need you to babysit these two kids for me, I have an important meeting and none of the others are around."

Kokuyōseki stopped drawing.

"You want me to take care.. of kids.. am I hearing that correctly?"

Diathene Kokuyōseki HATES kids.. she doesn't entirely know why, but it most likely has to do with the fact she never got to have a proper childhood and wants nothing to do with kids who have a bright future ahead of them. Unlike her.

"That is correct."

Aizawa could see her annoyance, he could understand she wasn't gonna agree right off the bat, but he has a few tricks up his sleeve.

"Yeah, no. I usually don't think about being six feet near kids unless I'm planning on eating them. So, erasurehead, what is in it for me?"

She still hasn't looked up from her paper, she knew that looking up would get the kids to freak out and lead to annoying questions.

"I will personally go out and buy you three jugs of chocolate milk, and give you permission to harm a student if they so much as touch them, but you can't kill them."

Danm it.. he got her.

"Fine. But don't yell at me if I loose them once they see what I look like."

With that, Aizawa said his goodbyes to the kids and went to his meeting.

Eri, who was excited to meet the new person, walked over the the couch where Kokuyōseki was seated. Kota, however, walked cautiously over to them. He didn't want to become her next meal.

"Hello, my name is Eri! It's super nice to meet you, Miss Kok- Koku.."

She had a bit of trouble pronouncing her name.

Letting out a sigh, her right eye, which was the only one visible to them right now, looked to the young girl.

"Kokuyōseki, sound it out with me."

Deku's descent into madness (MHA AU [oc insert])حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن