Twenty-one | Changeling

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Visena went behind the Packhouse to shift and change before returning to Thyra and the Praelia wolves that had finally made an appearance.

"Nice to see you again," Visena remarked. She recognised the wolves immediately, and they all bowed slightly. Thyra wasn't entirely comfortable with her wolves submitting to another Alpha, but the connection she felt to Visena's wolf was like nothing she had ever experienced. She imagined it to be similar to a mate bond without sexual attraction.

Gideon looked so proud of his mate, who was a few shades paler. His eyes searched hers, and she offered a small smile. She looked more unwell by the second. Gideon pulled her close and kissed her head before sending the Invictus wolves home to change and prepare for training. Luckily for them, they had picked up all the clothes that had been shredded after their impromptu shift. Visena wondered what they did with all the scraps—recycled somehow?

"Well, that was certainly interesting," Thyra commented dryly. "I can see why my wolves raved about you. So what are your plans?"

Visena let out a small laugh. "No plans. Just trying to figure out who I am, I guess."

"Aren't we all," Thyra said with a genuine smile, her full lips pulling over beautifully white teeth.  

The women stood in comfortable silence before an idea popped into Visena's head. "Do you want to join us for training?" Visena's invitation took everyone by surprise, but the Praelia wolves stared at Thyra with the eagerness of puppies. 

With very little hesitancy, the Praelia Alpha made a decision.

"Only if you can keep up!" Thyra grinned.


It was apparently very unusual for two packs to train together, but Visena enjoyed the extra challenge. The Invictus wolves warmed up quickly to their neighbours and learned a thing or two.

To her disappointment, Visena felt winded much earlier than usual, and Gideon pulled her to the side inconspicuously. "There's something wrong. When Praelia returns home, we need to have that conversation with your mother."

"I know." Visena shook the fogginess from her head. She didn't feel right. As the afternoon drew to a close and the Alpha's said their goodbyes, Visena pulled Thyra in for a sweaty hug. "If you ever need anything, just call." 

The Praelia Alpha was taken aback and felt herself get warm. "That's very kind of you."

Visena dipped her head in response and leaned back into Gideon's embrace. She could barely stand. Thyra and her pack turned on their heels, jogged into the forest, and headed for home. The mingling seemed to be a success, and the Invictus wolves looked pleased with the events that had taken place.

Visena had to fight the sudden wave of dizziness and squeezed Gideon's arm. She couldn't lift her head to look at him without wanting to vomit.

Prim and Eve finally returned with a grumpy Calypso in tow.

"Took you long enough," Gideon remarked, giving Visena a gentle squish. None of the returning women seemed to appreciate his comment.

"Next time, you can convince the hermit to leave her cave," Eve grumbled.

Calypso sent daggers to the two wolves. "What do you want, Alpha?" Calypso got straight to the point.

Gideon adjusted his position to better support Visena's swaying form before answering. "I thought you might be able to assist with Visena and her mother."

The look that crossed the witch's faces was comical. She was in no rush to help the Fae, nor did she feel the 'bond' Eve and Prim had described. In fact, Visena was becoming more of a headache than she thought possible. "And do what?"

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