Fifty-seven | Beta

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"The Oceania packs have decided not to come."

Visena was standing in the bathroom, staring at her red eyes. She couldn't stop crying after Jed left. It felt like she had lost a piece of her heart—sweet little Jedidiah. The thought had more tears leaking down her face. Her attention was swayed by the shirtless god sliding up behind her in the mirror. His own eyes were bloodshot, but he hid his emotions well.

"They called and said they would follow you, but they are currently dealing with a huge storm. Tropical cyclones, I think."

"Oh no... Do they need help?"

"The Council's sending funds..."

The damned Council. She was sick to death of hearing about the Council. Svend wasn't all bad, but he also let atrocities happen under his nose. At least Oceania's absence meant she could move on to the next task. "I need to call Svend. Can I use your phone?" 

Gideon clicked his tongue and planted a kiss atop Visena's head before leaving the room and rifling through his desk. "I don't have his number!" he called from the bedroom.

"Shit. Okay, well, I'm going to talk to Mihnea then."

Gideon growled and popped his head around the door frame. "Why don't we have our mating ceremony?"

The change in the topic had Visena reeling and grinning ear to ear. Then, finally, after Gideon told her what actually happened during the ceremony, she was excited to get it over with. 

"One mate, we can decide which will hide from her mate in an elaborate game similar to hide-and-seek." 

 "Can I be the one that hides?" Visena asked excitedly. I'm already an expert at that game.

"Yes, my love. Anyway, I will then hunt you in wolf form and when I find you-"

"If you find me-"

"When," Gideon stated, eyes shining gold. "I will mark you, and you will mark me."

It all sounded reasonably tame until Gideon said, "All the unmated wolves of the pack will also join in on the hunt to prove my worthiness of you. "

"Kinky," Visena quipped without a trace of sarcasm. "Well, when should we do that?" she questioned when she was interrupted by the phone in Gideon's hand. She hadn't heard it ever make noise before. "Who the hell is calling you?"

One look at the caller ID made him chuckle, making Visena even more curious. "Who?!"

"Hello, Alpha Akabe."

'The Armenian Alpha?' Visena tried to mime to her distracted mate. He reached his arm out to shush her, and she playfully nipped his finger. His frown had her huffing like a small child.

"My Beta is on her way," her silky voice poured from the phone, filled with humour. "She nearly ripped my head off when she scented him on my trousers."

What? Scented who? Visena was about to burst.

"Thank you for the heads up. I assume she will want to change packs?"

"If you will allow it, she did seem excited at the prospect of being the Queen's Beta. I take no offence, of course."

"Thank you for your understanding, and we will be happy to have her."

"All right. Goodbye, then Alpha Gideon."

"Alpha Akabe."

Gideon hung up just before he was tackled onto the bed and smothered between shaking palms. "Tell me, right now! I'm dying over here. Whose mate is she?" Visena squealed as he flipped and pinned her on the mattress. 

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