[4] Pull yourself together whore

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"Pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts"

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"Pretty brown eyes and a mind full of thoughts"


I open my laptop and see a notification for a new email. I click it and butterflies arise in my stomach. I read the message that tells me my tutoring partner is picked and I need to go to student services to meet them. I don't know why I'm nervous, I guess I just hope I have someone who's nice. Meeting new people is definitely not on my list of things I enjoy doing, especially when I'm doing it alone.

I force myself out of bed and pull on a pair of leggings and a crewneck. I twist my hair into an up do and secure it with a claw clip. Basic, I know, but I don't give a shit. What people fail to mention about dressing basic, is that it's comfortable and requires little effort. Both of which heavily appeal to me.

I decide on some light makeup, hoping it'll give me the extra boost of confidence I need to get through this. I blend in some under eye concealer, apply some blush on my cheeks, and brush my eyelashes through with mascara.

10 minutes later of convincing myself I don't need to change my outfit or cancel this whole thing entirely, and I mentally prepare myself to go.

"Jemma, I'm nervous." I tell my best friend, hoping for some advice or comfort.

"You did this to yourself, Dell" she jokes back, and I flick her in the arm for her lack of support.

She sees the worry deep in my eyes and quickly gets more serious.

"I promise it's going to be great." She says, her voice calming me down instantly. "You can do this, Dell. God knows you've done much scarier things. It's one hour of your life, and then you can come home and we'll invite the girls over again."

Her offer reminds me of the fact that we're supposed to be going home to my parents for dinner tonight. Some of my nerves settle when I realize that means a good meal, a big hug from my parents, and seeing my dog Harley. She's a 5 year old golden retriever and my favourite thing in the entire world.

"We're seeing my parents tonight, remember?"

"Oh right, how could I forget." She says with realization in her eyes. "Your brother is coming too?" Her question catches me off guard but i'm too nervous to really care.

"Yeah, he is..." I say, wanting to ask about her sudden interest in Chase, but I decide it's probably just because she wants to get him back for beating her at go fish the other day.

"Anyways, I think i'm going to go." I cut off our conversation, butterflies swirling around my stomach.

I take one last look in the mirror, and put on my coat on. I give Jemma a hug and take a few deep breaths. God, why the fuck am I so nervous right now? Worst case scenario, I get someone I don't get along with, big deal. I decide I'm being dramatic and walk out the door.

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