[14] Hat hair

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"too many thoughts go unsaid"

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"too many thoughts go unsaid"


I shoot my dad a text telling him not to worry about picking Charlotte up tonight and I step out of my car.

I walk through the now familiar doors of the gym and immediately spot the large glass window meant for watching the gymnastics lessons.

I take a seat, my eyes already trained on my little sister flailing her body around in every direction.

My vision wanders over to Laney who's currently helping a little boy hand onto the bar.

I watch as she handles the energetic 6 year olds with a surprising amount of grace and dignity.

I'd be running away from them by now if I had to do what she's doing.

I sit and observe the lesson, loving how happy Charlotte looks in the gym. I very rarely get to do this, to see her at practice. Usually it's dad picking her up because I'm always at hockey.

Charlotte's eyes go wide when she notices me and I think I can make out her yelling something about me being here to Laney.

The short brunette with 'Coach' written across her back, looks in my direction, clearly caught off guard by my presence.

Charlie asks something and immediately sprints over to me when she gets a head nod from Laney.

She flies through the door and jumps into my arms. "Hey kiddo, you look great out there."

"I know," her confidence makes me laugh, "I can't believe you're here! This is so exciting."

"So exciting," I repeat her words and tap her nose, "but you've got to get back in there and show me all your cool skills." I look over to Laney who watches us with a smile displaying across her face.

That's just enough motivation she needs to hop out of my arms and run back into the gym.

About a half an hour later, the kids line up by the door and walk over to their parents.

My sister, on the other hand, doesn't come to see me at all. Instead she engages herself in a seemingly very important discussion with Laney.

The rest of the parents and kids disappear home and I stay seated as I examine the two giggling girls in front of me.

They finish their conversation and walk over to me.

"Hi, Sterling"

Laney's use of my actual name surprises me.

"Coach," I smirk.

"What were you guys talking about?" my curiosity gets the best of me

Charlotte looks up at me beaming, "It's a secret."

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