[37] Then show me

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"souls on fire"

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"souls on fire"


I take a pencil from my bag and shove it down my cast, trying to reach an itch that has been bothering me for the last five minutes. This cast has been the bane of my existence lately. It wasn't the best traveling with and I was practically no help when loading the car and unpacking all of our stuff. It was most annoying when I had to wrap it in a ziplock bag when we went into the hot tub.

Luckily, all that changes right now. I'm sitting in the doctor's office waiting for my appointment to take it off. I'm not sure why, but the entire group is sitting here with me, all excited to witness this moment of my life.

I tried to tell them to stay home but they insisted on watching this, for reasons unbeknownst to me.

"Delaney Lawrence?" An older woman holding a clipboard calls my name and points to a small room down the hallway.

I just politely smile at her and get up, making my way over to where she pointed to. She does a double-take when she watches all of my friends get up as well and follow me in. God, we must look like idiots. I grimace at her in embarrassment and she, luckily, laughs it off.

Somehow, all 12 of us manage to cram into the smallest room in existence and we wait for the doctor to walk in.

"I'm going to miss you, Pinky," Luke gently pats my cast and bids it farewell.

"Oh god." I roll my eyes, knowing now everyone is going to follow suit.

Owen, Aspen, Daisy, and Jemma take this seriously, with a genuine goodbye. Chase, Harper, Beth, Mason, and Theo mostly laugh at this entire situation but still wish the pink piece of plaster a farewell.

I turn to Sterling, the only one who hasn't said anything, and raise my eyebrows in anticipation of what he's going to do. He chooses not to say anything and instead, reaches down, grabs my hand, brings it to his lips, and gives it a quick kiss.

Before I or anyone else has the chance to react, the doctor walks in. "Alright, do I have a Delaney Lawrence?" He looks up from his clipboard and his eyes go wide.

"Hi, yes, I'm here." I raise my cast in the air and he nods his head.

"You know, I've seen a lot of things in my time, but never..." He quickly counts all the people in the room "Eleven people here to watch a friend get their cast off."

"Well, now you can check it off your bucket list," Harper jokes and the doctor cracks a smile.

I look down at my cast and smile at everything on it. Of course everyone in the group signed it and added their own notes. There are many obscure drawings on it made by mostly Luke and Beth who both love to draw. In addition to this, stickers cover about 50% of the surface area, all placed down by the kids I coach, lots of them from Charlotte's personal collection. But my favourite decorations are the few messages Sterling would write when I was asleep. I read my favourite one and take a mental picture right as the doctor begins cutting the cast off. 'Sometimes, when you think you need to disappear, you actually need to be found.'

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