[33] Blissfully ignorant

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"But when you touch me i remember how it feels to be okay"

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"But when you touch me i remember how it feels to be okay"


"I can't believe I have to do this every time," I speak into the phone as I walk to my class.

"You agreed, unless you want to go back to my first offer and have me walk you there," Sterling replies as he gets down from a plank.

Yes, this man is on FaceTime with me while he's working out at the gym. Ever since I promised I'd call him when I walk on campus, we've been doing this and he hasn't missed one day. It doesn't matter to him where he is or what he's doing, when I let him know I'm leaving for class, he calls me instantly.

I know it's overkill but I'm not going to lie, it's definitely comforting. I wouldn't admit this out loud, especially around the guys, but that creep really freaked me out. I've heard some horror stories of girls getting attacked on campus and fuck, it's horrifying.

I open the door and walk into the warm building. "Alright, darling. I'm here and I'm hanging up now."

"I'm glad you're safe, Laney. See you tonight."

Sterling and the boys have another game later this evening and of course, I'm going. I'm actually really excited because this is the first time we've all hung out as a group together since my fight with Jemma and Chase.


Opening the doors to leave class, I breathe the cold air in. I need something to wake me up from that boring ass lecture. This time, I don't call Sterling — much to his dismay — because Daisy is picking me up.

We decided it would be a good idea for the two of us to go to games together considering she goes early to see Mason and I do the same for Sterling, whereas the other girls don't need to get there until  right before the game.

"Hey, Dell, how was class?" Daisy asks as she walks me to her car.

"You know you could've just waited in the car, right? You didn't have to walk all the way over here in the cold just to walk right back," I point out.

She smiles sheepishly and I realize what's going on.

"Sterling told you to, didn't he?"

"I tried saying no. I told him you were a strong independent woman who could walk down the street to my car considering I'm watching you the whole time. But, he started listing off all these statistics of assaults on women on campus, and I gave in. I mean, he had research lined up, how could I say no?"

"Oh my god, the guys are insane. Sterling is insane. They told Chase about it and now he's all freaked out too. I mean do they have no confidence in my ability to protect myself at all?"

"You know it's not that, Dell. It's other guys on campus they don't trust, not you. They're just worried. They love you."

I just nod my head in agreement as we reach her car and I hop in. 'They love you' I replay her words in my mind. I wonder who she meant by 'they.'

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