[53] Twisted

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"you didn't just break a promise, you broke me"

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"you didn't just break a promise, you broke me"


I woke up to a text from Sterling, and since then I've had a smile permanently painted onto my face.

"Boarding my flight now, I'll be home in six hours. See you then?"

I won't lie, the last few days have been rough. I know three days isn't long, but god, it sure felt like it. I definitely wasn't prepared for how busy he'd be.

But he's home soon and everything will go back to normal.

Luckily, his flight was super early in the morning and I was asleep when he texted which means I only had to wait about an hour before I could get ready and drive over to his house.

Now, I'm sitting in his driveway bracing myself to leave the heat of my car and submit to the freezing Canadian cold. Technically, it's almost spring, but Canadian weather has a mind of its own.

I walk through the door, unlocking it with the key Sterling gave me, and I'm surprised at how quiet the house is.

I had assumed the rest of the boys would be here, but judging by the empty driveway and serenity of this room, I guess they're all out.

My heart squeezes when my boyfriend, who I haven't seen in what feels like forever, walks into the room. But, when I fully take in his appearance, the smile I've been sporting all day, is wiped away.

He looks bad.

His eyes are dark and it looks like he hasn't slept in days.

There's no sign of happiness on his face; he looks somber, bleak, sad.

And if I didn't know better I'd think his face was red from crying.

"Sterling?" I ask as I walk closer to him to examine his features.

"Delaney." His tone is almost a warning.

"Are you okay? What's wrong? Did something happen at the training camp? Did the meeting not go well? Are the boys okay? I noticed they weren't here and I didn't think much of it but didn't something happen to–"

"Delaney, we need to talk," he interrupts my nervous ramble.

"Ok," I start. "About what?"

He doesn't say anything, instead, he runs a hand through his hair and takes a deep breath.

"Sterling, what's wrong? You're scaring me." I'm panicking now.

Why the fuck is he acting like this?

"Fuck, I don't know how to do this," he mumbles, mostly to himself. "I– we're over. I'm breaking up with you."

I laugh.

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