[38] Earth to Delaney Lawrence

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"if it doesn't burn a little then what's the point of playing with fire?"

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"if it doesn't burn a little then what's the point of playing with fire?"


"Dell," Chase calls my name.

"Delaney," he tries again.

"Hello? Earth to Delaney Lawrence."

He kicks me in the shin and I wince in pain, effectively snapping me out of my daze. "Jesus, what the fuck was that for?"

"Dell, I've been trying to get your attention for the last three minutes."

"Oh, sorry." I shoot him an apologetic smile. "I've just got a lot on my mind. So what did you want to say?" I try to restart the conversation.

"Never mind, it's nothing important. What's going on with you? You've been weird the last few days." Chase takes a sip of his water and looks at me with examining eyes.

"I told you, there's just a lot on my mind." I give him a half-assed answer, not wanting to discuss the real reason with my older brother.

The real reason being the earth-shattering kiss I shared with Sterling.

The kiss happened three days ago and somehow, I've managed to successfully avoid him this entire time. After Mason called us down, I left and went about the party as if nothing happened. I stuck with the girls and we left shortly after because Beth wasn't feeling well.

Since that night, I've thrown myself into schoolwork and I've picked up extra hours at the gym coaching. No one knows about it yet. I haven't told any of the girls and while they definitely know somethings up, I don't think any of them would guess I'm distracted because I kissed Sterling Blake. I mean, even I have trouble believing it.

I don't even know why I'm avoiding Sterling. I mean the kiss, well, the kiss was fucking amazing. I swear I thought I died and went to heaven. His lips were beyond soft and his touch set my skin on fire. 

It's been playing on my mind non-stop. The way his breathing got heavy and how his hands held my face. The taste of his lips on mine and the feeling he gave me as he looked deeply into my eyes as if he was memorizing each inch of my face.

"Ok, well, I don't want to pry but you know you can talk to me, right?" His face is full of concern and I know my secrecy is killing him.

"Yeah, of course I do, its just—"

"Just what?"

Oh god, do I tell him? Is that weird? But is it mean to leave him hanging like this?

Chase and I have a great relationship. We've never kept secrets and we always keep each other up to date on the important things in our lives. With the exception of his relationship with Jemma, of course. But I've forgiven him for that. I know how hard it is to tell people about something you don't fully understand yourself.

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