Chapter 7

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"Danny, get up!" Sam said, pushing at him.

As he got up he asked.

"What Sam, is it time?" Danny asked wide awake and concerned.

"No but Vlad came and talked to me...he said that they have a device that somehow will make the baby come whenever, and...and...they're planning on tomorrow." Sam cried into his chest.

"Hey, it's ok. Just because the baby is coming tomorrow doesn't mean that they will take the baby. None of us will let that happen. We even have Dora, Kitty, Johnny and Ember coming to help." Danny said, holding her close until she fell asleep.

Danny: Hey guys you awake?

Jazz: Barely but Dash isn't

Dani: Can't sleep so yea

Tucker: Dude it's 2:30 a.m this better be good and Valerie is asleep.

Danny: Well, Sam was in the kitchen just a few minutes ago and she had a visit from Vlad who told her that they have a device that can make the baby come whenever, and their planning for tomorrow. I'm gonna text Dora kitty and Ember about it now.

Jazz: What?! Sam must be a nervous wreck.

Dani: Vlad is gonna pay for this! Can I just go early and give him a morning knuckle sandwich...Please!

Tucker: Yikes. Well that's not the best news but at least you know when the baby is coming.

Danny: Yea I guess so, and Dani No you're not going to give him a morning knuckle sandwich because you need to let your cut heal and we don't want him speeding up the pregnancy more.

Dani: Ok, but when the baby does come, i'm definitely giving him one then, you can't stop me!

Danny: Wasn't planning on it.

Jazz: Well I'm going to bed, night everyone! Don't stay up too late talking about this.

The next day:

"Morning Sam." Danny said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning Danny, do you know if we have everything ready?" Sam said searching and packing.

"Sam..." Danny said, turning Sam to face him.

"Are you feeling ok? You look stressed." Danny said calmly.

"I'm fine... ok i'm a nervous wreck!" Sam panicked.

"Ok, you need to sit down and relax and I'll get everything else we need ok?" Danny said, sitting her down on the bed.

"Why does Vlad want to be the King of darkness when he is already a crazy fruit loop guy who likes cats!" Sam laughed.

"Yea, why would he be so afraid of a newborn to take his place as a king anyway?" Danny asked.

"Exactly, do you want some coffee?" Sam asks, walking to the door.

"Yea sure. So how do you think they can use the device if it isn't still on your ankle?" Danny asked.

"I...wait your right! Wow, they really thought that one through." Sam laughed, getting the coffee.

As she pours some into a cup, Jazz takes it and sips from it and sits down, half awake half asleep.

"Jazz, you okay? You look super tired." Sam asks, sitting next to her.

"Dash was snoring all night. I couldn't sleep at all, so why not just have coffee now right?" Jazz asks, sipping her coffee.

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