Chapter 1

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Ayanokoji Pov

I, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka finally escaped the whiteroom mwahahahah, well escape was not really the right word hehe, since i just annoyed that old man to the death, the instructors and my 'classmates' keep on complaining how annoying i am too.

I didn't even do anything to annoy them except for putting laxative on their drinks, hiding on the instructors room to sleep so they won't find me for a while, fart while my classmates are sleeping, trip someone whenever we race so they would be the one get punished, i also keep reminding my father like 'father, i love you' and i ended up vomiting after that, he always glare at me, it seems like my plan on disturbing him always work.

Whenever i finish first during a task i say to my classmates 'as expected of the masterpiece' their looks were really funny, all of them hated me since not only i annoy them all day, they can't accept the fact that i am also the best among them.

The last time i remember causing ruckus in that place is when i was taken to New York for the investors to see my progress, My father told me to show off to the investors, so i showed them my biggest progress of all, i laughed really hard after that one,

After that i was kicked out of the whiteroom and somehow i am currently on the bus going to my new school 'Advance Nurturing Highschool' which is considered to be the most prestigious school in Japan and where i would find my next victims, prestigious huh hehehe i wonder if they could retain that title this year.

Now i am currently witnessing a commotion where a middle age woman and a blondie teen arguing for a priority seat, how stupid

The boy keep on saying 'why would a perfect existence like me give up a seat to a commoner'  I wasn't really planning on enganging to their useless commotion but 'perfect existence'

"ahhahaha did you just call yourself a perfect existence? ahahaha" i can't control myself from laughing on how idiotic this guy is.

"hooh do you have a problem with that spectator kun, it seems like your also an ignorant fellow since you can't realize my perfect existence! " he said as he took out his mirror.

I decided to not continue the conversation since talking to him would be a pain in the ass, 'perfect existence my ass' perfection cannot exist, if someone could ever achieve this impossible state then your existence itself is a lie. Not to mention that you would be boring to be with.

Just like a certain bald man i know, he is strong as hell but bored to death.

I look around the bus if there would be something fun to do, and there was one.

This beautiful black haired girl who is seated beside me is currently reading a book that is clearly boring, it seems like she's the kind of person who doesn't interact much with others.

An idea suddenly pop out of my head that if i push her from her seat and give it to the old lady, will i become a good person?

Nah.... I'd rather seat with her than an old woman and its more fun to get a reaction from her.

I pretended to be sleepy and lay my head on her shoulders, she smells nice i think she was slightly shocked since she jolted up a bit causing my head to hit her shoulders a bit harder.

However the next thing i felt is my hand getting stabbed with a compass
She pushed me off her and muttered 'pervert'.

"Huh? I just accidentally do it on purpose though!" i said making her confused on it.

"Huh? you said you did it on purpose! " she said.

"I also said accidentally right?" i said making it clear

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