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When i saw the pool it reminds me of  that time Matsuo-san took me at the beach.


It was afternoon that time, i felt relax when i look at the sea,

i slip off my shoes and bury my feet to the sand, i was relaxing my feet to its warm sensation then suddenly...

a crab pinched me all of a sudden

so i took revenge and pinch it too

where i break its claws.

Then suddenly out of nowhere

I saw a hat drop in the sand near me

'Who the hell is littering!'

I then pick up the hat and...

throw the hat at the beach as far as i can.

'Why would people throw their trashes at the beach' 'well i throwed it too'

I then dust myself off..

I then heard a loud scream


She had a lilac haired color and she had a cane in her hands.

Her hands were reaching out to the hat that were drifting away

It seems like it was her hat and about to cry but she had a shocked expression on her face when she saw me


I then run away from her...

Why am i even running?

The end

Sorry this idea just suddenly pop out and i can't help but write it out.

(A pouting Marin to make your day)

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