Chapter 17

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"I'm Back Peaches!"

"Why would you suddenly shout?!" Tsun-tsun said as she covered her ears.

"Nothing just my intro."

"For what?"

The class was in chaos, as usual, however it was because of the big reveal of the S-system, I was not the cause of the chaos this time, i'm telling you the truth right now, aren't i such a good boy?

Someone pat me.

Sometimes i'm too good to be born for this world. In fact, i fear that the class wouldn't be this peaceful if I didn't enroll in this school.

Everyone should be thanking me, i'm not annoying them today.......for now.

They were all panicking and shouting when they learned that they were put in the lowest class, actually their attitude of panicking instead of thinking why were they put exactly here was actually a hint why they are in Class-D.

"Why am i in Class-D?!"

"The school might've misplaced me, I am supposed to be in Class A!"

"It doesn't make sense!, like Ayanokoji getting points when he zeroed almost all of the exam."

"I just did some big brain move." i said  however i got ignored since they have much a greater problem.

Since they were ignoring me, i went to someone who was not panicking being the odd one in the group.


This blonde man was just checking out himself all this time. He wasn't even panicking unlike the others, i wonder does he have some back up plans?, like a shortcut to get to Class-A?

If what I saw in the anime is right, then Koenji would probably saw this predicament he was put into by using money.

"Hi Koenji" I said as i put my hand around his shoulder and I look at him through his hand mirror.

Since I didn't anyone to annoy you'll be the victim today.

"My My if it isn't Zero-kun, were you attracted to myself that you casually put your arms around my shoulders?, however I must apologize to you since I don't have any interest with bromance" He shrug his shoulders as if saying to remove my arm around him, however I didn't.

"I was just curious why do you keep looking at your mirror?"

"Huff, a perfect existence like me couldn't just help but admire this beautiful face that I work so hard for"

" Is it really true though?, or are you worried about something, like a....pimple suddenly appearing?"

I was observing this self proclaimed perfect existence for a while now since I couldn't annoy him. The hand mirror he was using while at the pool didn't broke so maybe he wasn't that pissed.

And that is something I cannot accept.

His obsession in the mirror and proclaiming himself as a perfect existence has a little secret he wanted to hide.

Koenji was actually anxious all the time, his grin was just a façade for everyone not to notice, how worried he would be if a pimple suddenly appears on his face.

"A perfect existence shouldn't have any flaws on his face right? Hihihihi"

I said as i look at him through the mirror he was holding. Koenji's eyebrows twitch which actually sent a  joyous feeling within me.

My day is finally complete.

There's nothing else fun but making people pissed. Their reactions always satisfy my desire to further pissed them.

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