xi. love is complicated

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Mikaelson Mansion

Hope entered the living room of her house where the rest of her family was with a huge smile.

"What's got you smiling like that?" Rebekah asked as she saw the smile on her niece's face.

"I like Mystic Falls." Hope exclaimed as she plopped down next to her father. "I finally feel normal because I'm around people just like me. I also have friends now."

"That's great." Klaus replied looking up from his drawing to his daughter.

"It is, isn't it?" Rebekah smiled. "I missed this town. I'm glad I'm friends with Cassie again."

Kol snorted and spoke. "I'm her best friend and from what I've heard, you two aren't friends."

Rebekah fiercely glared at her brother. "I'm getting there. I don't know what to do since I've already apologised."

"Maybe not stalk her." Davina mused quietly causing Kol to laugh.

Every time Rebekah sees Cassie, she always goes up to her and tries to talk to her, forgetting that she is with other people like her family or friends. Rebekah thought she would've been able to talk to Cassie when she would've picked Hope up from her house but Klaus practically threatened her so he could go.

Rebekah rolled her eyes at her brother's wife. Hope then spoke. "Don't worry Aunt Rebekah, she'll be friends with you in no time. Who wouldn't want to be your friend?"

The blonde-haired original vampire smiled at her niece gratefully at her attempt to reassure her.

"This is why you are my favourite out of this family." Rebekah remarked as Klaus looked offended.

"Anyways, I'm going to the grill and meeting Vanessa and Sadie there." Hope informed her family. Her dad made a face causing Hope to sigh. "Dad, I'll be fine."

Klaus nodded which caused Hope to become happy. She skipped back to her bedroom and wanted to choose a better outfit. She still had time, but she was still in her pyjamas. Hope looked through her wardrobe until someone knocked.

"Come in." Hope called out. Her mother, Hayley, walked into the room.

"Hey honey, what are you doing?" Hayley asked as she sat down on her daughter's bed.

"I'm meeting Vanessa and Sadie at the grill." Hope replied as she sat down beside her mother.

"I feel like I haven't talked to you ever since we moved here." Hayley responded. "How was your night with the girls yesterday?"

"With Evelyn, Eleanora, Stephanie, Josie, and Lizzie?" Hope asked.

"Who else were you with last night?" Hayley retorted.

Hope laughed and gave her mom a bright smile. "It was fun. They all were exceptionally nice except Lizzie, but she was fine towards the end."

"That's nice." Hayley replied.

"Yeah, and Cassandra was nice. We watched movies and then ended up talking with each other." Hope explained as Hayley's face scrunched up and made a bitter face at the mention of Cassandra.

"How do you like Mystic Falls?" Hayley asked wanting to know how she was feeling since there move from New Orleans.

"I feel like I can finally be myself around people like me. Everybody's really nice." Hope exclaimed.

Suddenly Rebekah walked in and spoke. "I heard that it's a girl's chat so here I am."

"So, Hope, spill the gossip. What's happening at school?" Rebekah asked like a teenage girl.

Hope giggled. "Well, there's not much that I know since I haven't been there for long."

"There is always something going on." Hayley pointed out as Rebekah nodded her head in agreement.

"All I know is that the popular group in the school is Cassandra's daughter's group and her friends. Like Evelyn, Nate, Eleanora, Stephanie, Atlas, Josie, and Lizzie. Sometimes other people sit with them but like those are the main ones." Hope answered.

"You went out for a girl's night with them, didn't you?" Hayley asked.

"Yeah, I did." Hope replied with a small smile as if she were proud that she did.

"Do you have a crush on anyone?" Hayley asked. An image of Nate popped up in Hope's mind causing her cheeks to slightly redden.

"You do have a crush on someone?" Rebekah exclaimed, loudly, as she pointed her finger towards the auburn-haired girl. "Come on, tell us."

"It's Nate Salvatore." Hope sighed as she revealed the person.

"Cassie and Stefan's daughter." Rebekah gasped in shock.

"You should go for it." Hayley encouraged. If she liked someone, she should definitely go for them, or else she'll end up regretting it.

"He's dating Eleanora." Hope told them and her shoulders slumped down in defeat.

Rebekah realised the tough situation her niece was in. If she went after Nate, she would lose the group of friends that she made. Rebekah has lived for a thousand years and craved for love all that time which she has found with Marcel. She understands the depth and meaning of love.

Rebekah spoke. "Love is a very delicate and passionate thing. It is something that consumes you. If you feel like Nate is what you want and is going to be that love, then you should go after him regardless of anything."

Hope sighed and replied. "I've never felt this way about anyone, not even Landon. I don't want to ruin my friendship with Evelyn, Stephanie, Josie, and Lizzie. Especially Eleanora."

"Friends come and go but love, love is such a powerful emotion. It's something so strong, unforgettable, and unconditional." Hayley explained.

"You're talking about Uncle Elijah." Hope stated with a smile.

Hayley nodded and continued. "You should always go after what you want because in the future when you look back, you don't want to regret anything."

Hope took a deep breath, and she took in all her mother's words.

Rebekah was confused because she knew whatever happened could affect Cassie's family, but this is about Hope. Rebekah would always choose her family and if Nate is the one who can make her niece happy then so be it.

Rebekah spoke. "You also have Vanessa and Sadie; they are your friends."

Hope nodded in agreement. Vanessa and Sadie were the ones who encouraged her from day one with only knowing her for a few hours to go after what she wanted. Hope doesn't even know what the Mystic Falls group thinks about her. She knows that Vanessa and Sadie will away support her.

She liked Nate the moment she saw him. The moment her eyes laid on him. Nate and Eleanora may be dating but as Vanessa said, Relationships are doomed to end. Hope will finally go after what she wants regardless of how it will affect anyone. She has no loyalties to anyone except her friends, Vanessa and Sadie, and her family. Mikaelson's go after what they want and don't give up.

Hope released a sigh causing her shoulders to relax and her face to lit up as she finally understood and accepted her feelings about the person she likes.

"I like Nate and I want him."

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