Chapter 2: Fellow Guildmates

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Team Unstoppable ordered food, sat down, and began to eat. Not long afterwards, a guild fight ensued and they escaped upstairs.

Nashi and Cris inhaled their meals before leaping into the action. Reiki sat on the balcony and watched the wildness of the strongest guild in Fiore ensue. He finished his food and put the plate and fork down onto the floor behind him.

At one point he was tapped on the shoulder. The scarlet mage turned to see Rosemary standing there with two plates of strawberry cake and a toothy grin. Thankfully, she appeared unscathed. Reiki's face lit up and he graciously took a plate. Rosemary sat next to him.

"You still like sitting here?" he asked.

She nodded.

"Absolutely! We've been doing this since we were kids! Plus it's a good way for you and I to chat without interference."

Her brother chuckled.

"That's true. What did you want to talk about?"

"How was the quest this morning?" Rosemary teased.

Reiki sighed and shook his head.

"Same as ever, Little Rose. We got the job done but we argued a lot. 'We' meaning Eli versus Nashi and Cal versus me. Cris just wanted to beat up Larry even though he wasn't there," he replied glumly.

He put a piece of cake in his mouth and gently kicked his feet in happiness. As he did, his slipper shoes fell off his bare feet and into the crowd.

"Are you going to get them?" she asked.

He shook his head.

"They've been in worse conditions. Plus they are fairly cheap compared to other expenses like rent and food."

"You know, Big Brother, I find it ironic that you dislike fighting unless you absolutely have to. Yet, you almost always confront Calypso when you two are in contact."

He simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, I'll be honest I have no clue why we fight nor who even started it. Plus, we've calmed down in the past three years."

"That's good," the younger scarlet mage said with obvious relief.

A brief silence fell between them.

Reiki ate his cake while kicking away the occasional mage.

Rosemary stopped eating and stared at her plate.

"What's wrong?" her older brother asked.

She gulped.

"Do do I say this...," she started.

Reiki stopped and looked at her.

She touched the bow holding back her hair before running her fingers through her long, soft, scarlet locks.

"Do you think Father's a bad person?" she blurted out, meeting his eyes.


Rosemary shook her head.

"Never mind. It's nothing," she said, looking at the crowd. "Master Laxus must be asleep in his office. Normally he quiets things down by now. Also, Team Natsu isn't present. They'll be disappointed to find they had missed a guild fight," she muttered.

"Liar," Reiki accused.

The younger scarlet mage half-smiled.

"Heh heh. Yeah, I'm just as bad at lying as you and Dad."

"So what's bothering you, Little Rose?"

"Well, I'm worried about what people are saying to you. That you should build a tower or join the magic council. Things like that. You know, none of it makes sense, but Father's probably associated with all of that considering how much you look like him. All that's missing is his tattoo and hair color."

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