Chapter 17: Friendly Reminders

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"Requip! Sea Empress Armor!" Rosemary cried.

In a flash she nullified Jay's Water Rush.

"Weak," she stated.

"Tch. Fine, how about this? Water Claw!" Jay shouted.

He charged at Rosemary.

She held up a shield designed specifically for counterattacks on water. It was a gorgeous green-blue color with two seaweeds on either side, resembling her armor, and outlined in gold trimming.

Jay slashed at the shield, but without success.

In the same moment, Rosemary elongated the shield so that it became a trident and easily knocked the seventeen-year-old Water mage away.

"Gahh. Your turn Luke," Jay groaned from the ground. Luke howled with laughter.

"Two moves and you're done? Pathetic! I'll do it better!" he sneered.

He got his keys ready.

"Requip! Celestial Spirit Armor!"

"Oh! Your Mom doesn't own that one!" Luke noted.

"Nope! She doesn't!" Rosemary confirmed.

The armor consisted of a navy blue bra with four straps emerging from the center, two going up around her neck, and two going down and behind her back. Overtop was a long-sleeved, dark green dress that left her exposed from her belly button up, and then it split from her hips down on the front part.

Underneath was a navy blue bikini bottom and white, high-heeled boots that came up to her thighs. On top she wore armored shoulder plates that held in place a hip-length, white cape with gold trimming. Additionally, her white bow became dark green to match the dress while her hair remained in a half-ponytail.

"Beware, Luke. This armor is designed specifically to counter Celestial Spirits!"

Luke grinned.

"I'll take my chances! Open! Gate of the Hare! Lepus!" Luke called.

A brown hare appeared. It squeaked before charging at the Requip mage with incredible speed. She dodged the attack before kicking the rodent into the air. Then she leapt up and used the shield to slam it back into the Celestial Spirit World.

The shield was dark green with silver outlining and had a picture of two regular keys crossed over each other, one silver and one gold.

"Tch. I'm not done yet," Luke growled.

"You better not be," Rosemary said with a smirk.

"Open! Gate of the Sly Beast! Vulpecula!" he called.

A humanoid orange fox smoking a cigar with dark shades and a bowling hat appeared.

"You called, Prince?" the fox inquired.

"Take her out!" the mage ordered, pointing at his teammate.

"With pleasure," the Spirit smirked.

He dashed towards Rosemary. She avoided him and used her shield to block an incoming punch. Soon, she found herself engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the creature.

"You're good," Rosemary remarked.

"Thank you," Vulpecula said.

"However, your weakness is this," she added.

Then he howled as Rosemary stepped on his tail with the heel of her boot. She took the opportunity and knocked him in the head with her shield, sending him back.

Fairy Tail Adventures Await Volume 1: X820 [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now