Chapter 4: Mysterious Magic

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Team Unstoppable got off the train at Dawn Town.

'Former home to the Dark Guild Morning Star. It became livelier since the arrest and removal of the guild. Except now it appears vacant.' Reiki mused.

"What are we doing hereeeee?" Nashi groaned.

"Oh my Mavis, get over your motion sickness already," Cris growled.

He was wearing a red shirt with white and green polka dots.

"I cannnnn't. Who set us up for this again?"

"Raiden. He gave us a quest that specifically requested either Team Scales or Team Unstoppable," Cris answered. "Scales had already taken up a job three hours east of here, so they gave us the option to go instead."

Reiki walked in silence with his arms crossed over his chest.

'I've never seen the town in daylight, but I remember the guild hall very well. It had been dark, cold, and manipulating.'

Nashi staggered before getting a hold of herself and catching up to her two best friends.

Reiki thought quietly about the memories of this place.

'Disbandment for Crime Sorciere had more or less been self-forced. Erik had been thinking about retirement for years, however, he officially decided it after the entire independent guild went missing three years ago and became possessed by a wizard with alcohol magic.

'I remember Jace approached me for help. His father had stopped sending him messages for over two months. Using the letters sent before Crime Sorciere's disappearance, we traveled to Sabertooth and enlisted the Heavenly Twins' map-making skills. The Twins located Dawn Town, which was in the letters. Calypso then transported us there with her Territory magic before going home. That was February 10th, X817. Long before July 7th, X817.'

He briefly shuddered.

'I remember we searched for hours and battled several monsters. Team Trials and Team Scales also appeared at different points. We managed to rescue Crime Sorciere and bring them back to Magnolia. All but my Dad had a major hangover. Well, he didn't drink the alcohol but he allowed himself to be captured and tortured in exchange for his teammates' lives.

'Dad told me C.S. had a serious talk about disbandment. But that didn't happen until five months and three days later. Which means there was another catalyst. I wonder–'

"Reiki, are you okay?" Cris asked in a concerned voice.

The redhead bit his lip. No answer escaped his lips.

Cris' shoulders sagged.

"I'll be honest. I'm surprised you accepted the job when I showed it to you. I had forgotten about this place. If I'd have remembered I would have told them to take it on later today or tomorrow. Sorry 'bout that."

The trio walked in silence.

Nashi's stomach continued to toss and turn.

"It wouldn't have been any better for Jace," Reiki reminded.

Suddenly, the Ice-Water mage stepped in front of him.

The scarlet wizard stopped.

Nashi bumped into him and watched as the two young men stared each other down.

A gentle wind blew through everyone's hair and clothes.

"Reiki. What's going on? Anytime your father is brought into the picture in some shape or form you get like this," Cris stated in a firm manner.

Fairy Tail Adventures Await Volume 1: X820 [Edited]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon