Chapter 6: Sabertooth X820

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Forty-eight-year-old Sting Eucliffe sat on the guild master's office floor.

He sorted out towers of papers from the Magic Council along with forty-eight-year-old Rogue Cheney.

Lector and Frosch brought papers off the tops to the bottom.

"Sting-kun, Eli causes all kinds of trouble for us when he cooperates with Fairy Tail. Aren't you going to talk to him about it?" Lector asked.

Sting shook his head.

"Nah. He's fine. Those two don't cooperate with Fairy Tail enough that it's a problem. Besides, Rogue's daughter is more destructive."

He chuckled at his partner.

"Hmph," Rogue scoffed, "Well, at least she isn't joining a Dark Guild anytime soon."

He sat on the floor sorting the papers while Sting filled them out.

"Fro thinks so too!" Frosch said from the ground.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Yukino came in. On her hip she carried a little boy with spiky, pale blue hair and brown eyes. He wore a light shirt over dark shorts and shoes, and he had a blue pacifier in his mouth.

Upon seeing her, Sting immediately got up and walked over to her.

"Hey, how are you my love?" he asked, wrapping his arms around the two of them.

He kissed her on the lips and then kissed the little boy on his head.

"I'm doing well! I just wanted to let you know that I'm heading out on a quest, but I'm leaving Rigel with Sorano," Yukino replied with a smile.

"Awe, you can't leave him here with me?" Sting teased.

He grabbed the little boy under his arms and swung him in the air.

The child squealed and kicked with happiness.

He bounced his son above his head, promoting squeals of delight.

"Here we go! Up! Down! Up! Down! Up! Down! Oh, you got Daddy's nose!" the White Dragon Slayer cried.

"Dear, you have work to do. Especially now that our guild members are taking after Fairy Tail's destructive habits," his wife reminded with a smile.

Sting sighed.

He handed Rigel back and kissed his wife on the lips again.

"You're right. But, hey! It's no fun if there isn't work to do!"

Rogue smiled as he watched.

Yukino chuckled.

"Very well, then. I'll see you tonight for supper," she said, waving with her free hand.

Rigel tried to imitate it.

Sting waved goodbye as she closed the door.

He started to walk back to the desk.

"Oh, by the way, dear," she suddenly said in a grave tone, opening the door.

"Hm? What's wrong?" he asked, turning.

"Lyon Vastia stopped by just now. He told me to give you this message," she replied, pulling out a letter from between her and Rigel.

Sting took it and read it.

His face became grim.

Rogue got up and came to read the letter as well.

He had the same reaction as his partner.

Fairy Tail Adventures Await Volume 1: X820 [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now