Chapter 14: Memories...of Ice?

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The group jogged as fast as they could without slipping.

"By the way, who is Mavis?" Mya asked.

"One of the founders and the First Guild Master of Fairy Tail," Reiki answered.

"Ooh! Was she nice?" the pale pigtails asked.

"I don't know. Probably. Only our parents and former guild master got to meet her. They liked her. Apparently she saved them from this dragon named Acnologia by locking them on this island for seven years," he said, recalling the stories his mother told him.

"Seven years! How did they live?" she questioned.

"No clue. They don't either. For them it was like only a week. Anyways, apparently Mavis appeared to them as an astral spirit, or ghost if you prefer, and guided them through the X791 Grand Magic Games," he answered.

"The one where Fairy Tail won for the first time?" Larry sassed.

"Except for the X817 Games. We won that," Mya added.

"Tch. That was by default. It wasn't a real win," her brother growled.

Cris looked ahead at Reiki's back. He furrowed his brows.

"My Dad told me that Lamia Scale thought they were soooo gonna win X791, but in the end it was the underdogs! Or underfairies!" Nashi exclaimed.

Larry scoffed.

"Tch. Well we had Mr. Jura and our dad competing at the time, so it was a fair argument. Not to mention Amelia's mother," he grumbled.

"Amelia? Who's that?" Cris asked.

"Oh, you don't know her? She's Sherria Blendy's daughter. Not sure who her father is. I think one of the mages in our guild. But, you wouldn't know him. Still, her mother was super powerful at the time. Only fifteen and was selected to be on the team," Larry informed.

He beamed with pride.

"Ohh!" Cris shouted, "She must be the one with the healing powers like Wendy! The Sky God Slayer, right? I saw old pictures of her and she had pretty good style."

Larry and Mya nodded.

"Amelia's a God Slayer, too! But not a Sky God Slayer!" Mya said with a wink.

"Then, what kind is she?" Nashi inquired with a sly smile.

Mya smirked.

"Not telling! You'll have to come to the Grand Magic Games this year to find out!"

"Ooooh! It's on! And Chancey's gonna be the one to crush her!"

The Ice-Water Mage looked ahead at the Heavenly Body Mage, who remained silent.

"I doubt she'll get picked. She was in it the past two years," the former remarked.

"Hah! As if, Ice Sucker! Your predictions are as bad as your style."

"No they're not, Charcoal Chick!"

"Yes, they are! You spent 15000 ($150) jewels on a pair of shoes! That you don't wear!"

"Ah, it doesn't matter."

"You get weird looks from people."

"Who cares?!" Cris cried.

"I do!" Nashi snarled.

"You attract atten—"

"Shut up! Whisper!" Reiki growled from in front.

Nashi and Cris saluted as they ran.

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