Chapter 21: Confessions Make Connections

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At Reiki's Studio Apartment

"Hmph. Nothing is adding up between Dawn Town, Tenrou Island, and the Mountain Topplers," Reiki grumbled from his desk's chair.

He stopped writing in the air with the Light Pen and swung around to face the three-seater couch against the separation wall.

"I had no idea Fairy Tail had a separate island for S-class trials," Cal stated monotonously.

She was sitting on one end cuddling Saiya. Her hood hung around her shoulders. Her short, messy bangs swung around her half-hidden, pale face. Underneath, her green-brown seas shone and swirled.

"Yes, it's normally kept a secret because it is our sacred ground."

Eli sat between Cal and Nashi as he crooned over the bearded dragon on Nashi's steaming head.

Nashi trembled as her jaw tightened and her fists balled up.

Her narrowed eyes stared straight ahead.

Cris stood near Reiki, cuddling Jerza the pure black gerbil. It squeaked and crawled all over him. It only returned to his hand for treats.

"Have you asked Jace anything? His hearing is phenomenal," Cal suggested.

Reiki nodded.

"I have. With mixed success. On April 20th they went on a weather quest with Asuka and Metallico from Team Danger. However, they were mysteriously overpowered. They tried to escape using their Danger Rover, however, they accidentally overheated the Meteor crystal. Luckily, Addy and Lexi were able to locate them since the tracking device hadn't been destroyed like the rest of the vehicle."

"Hold on," Eli interrupted. He shifted his attention from the spiky lizard to the redheaded monster. "Meteor crystal. Danger Rover. Asuka, Metallico, Addy, and Lexi. Please explain all of those."

"Right, sorry, you're Tigers not Fairies," Reiki noted, "The four people I mentioned all make up Team Danger, the strongest next generation team in our guild."

"It's not Unstoppable? That's ironic," Cal stated.

Reiki grinned nervously.

"Yeahhhh. That's because Nashi and Cris haven't been able to knock down even Everett. Who is the fifth member and the weakest," he admitted.

Nashi shot to her feet and lit her hands on fire.

"Unlike Mr. Invincible who has crushed every single one of them in a bare-handed fight without magic!!" she screamed.

Eli laughed out loud.

"Nashi, I thought you were the daughter of a demon!" he taunted.

She spun on her ankles and glared down over her large chest. The white, cropped tank top, barely held anything in.

"I am!! But Demonic and Dreadful Dreyar are actual demons!! And Asuka never misses even without magic! And Metal Head can use Solid Script on top of his iron abilities to create an unmeltable skin barrier! Not to mention Everett's Dark Ecriture is just wickedly strong combined with his physical strength! None of them are actual humans nor are they dumb!!"

Cris face-palmed.

Reiki sighed.

"Nashi, have you ever gotten serious instead of listing off excuses?" Cal challenged.

She glared up at the Fire Dragon Slayer, who winced.

"Y-yes I have!! Every time!" she protested.

The Ice-Water Mage nervously raised a hand.

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