Elena's surgery and Damon's almost meltdown

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Damon walked into the hospital room and saw a piece of paper on Elena's body. He picked it up and read it, then ran out of the room to a nurse and compelled her what she needed to do.
The nurse quickly got ahold of the doctor and they rushed Elena into emergency surgery.
The doctors got her in and prepped for surgery. Her IVs got hooked up and the medication was starting to flow through her body.
They were a hour into the surgery and Elena's heartbeat started to slow down. The doctors began to rush to get it back up, there was orders being shouted and utensils were being passed left and right.
Once they go it back up things were good.
They started going again with the surgery and things were good. They cut into her shoulder to take care of the artery and Elena began to have a seizure. He body shaking and trembling and completely out of control. The found that she had a fever (110 degrees). They quickly injected cool water into her veins and put a cool cloth on her face to bring it down. After a half hour of that it finally came down and they were able to complete the surgery.

~several hours later~
Elena was wheeled out to the recovery room. Damon sat out in the recovery room and waited till he could go see her. He looked around, the place was engulfed by humans. He could hear their heart pounding, the blood coursing through their veins, he realized that he had had fed on human blood in quite a long time. He lips and throat became dry, no matter how much he swallowed it didn't work. The urge became stronger and stronger and he could handle it anymore. He could feel his fangs beginning to pierce through his gums. He quickly got up from his seat and went to the desk. "Where's the nearest drinking fountain?"
The nurse looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "Down the hall, near the elevator." She looked down at the paper and continued what she was doing.
Damon stormed out of the room and followed the directions from the nurse. But as he got to the drinking fountain he could smell more blood then when he was in the waiting room. He followed he smell and came to a room that had millions of bags of pints of blood. His eyes tired red and the veins appeared under his eyes and he approached the room. He opened on freeze full of blood bags and took two of them, tearing them open and downing them like they were nothing.

~40 minutes later~
Damon was sitting back in the waiting room, holding Elena's hand and whispering to her. After drinking 20 blood bags he felt better, the urge for blood wasn't as bad anymore. He smiled to himself and watched as the doctor came out. Damon stood up and waited till the doctor came to him.
"Mr. Salvatore?" The doctor spoke, he had a rich Australian accent. His dark brown hair was covered by a cap, his bright blue eyes hid behind surgery glasses.
"Yes sir. You are?" Damon questioned.
"I'm Doctor Fell, I was the doctor that operated on Miss Elena Gilbert. I'm here to tell you that she is doing just fine and that she will make a full recovery in no time. But you will have to be careful. She will suffer from temporary memory loss for about a month or so but she will regain it back. But she did lose a lot of blood from her injury and some from the surgery and will have to come back for a while to have some blood transfusions but those won't take forever. Once she has had what she needs she won't have to come back. I see that you are already by her side and that's a good thing. I'll let you be." He smiled, shook Damon's hand and walked away.
Damon returned back to Elena and smiled at her. "Did you hear that baby? Your gonna be fine. I'll take care of you until you get better." He kissed her forehead and sat with her, waiting for her to wake up.


So I know that I haven't updated in quite a while and I'm sorry. I've been extremely busy. I was focused on my senior year finals and graduation. But good news is that I passed all my finals and I graduated 👏🏽🙌🏽👍🏽👊🏽 now I'm getting everything ready for my first year in college and it's been hectic but it's about done. I have my class, the time I go to the class for and everything. I can't wait to start my training for Paramedic, it's going to be so much fun!!!
I also have my birthday/grad party to plan as well. I have to get my list done and ready for my parents and make sure we can get everything.
Then I have drivers training as well, I've been practicing in the elementary and middle school that are by my house and I can say that I'm pretty good. I have a few things to work on but in no time I'll be good.
While updating this chapter I am on my way up north with some family and a friend; don't worry I'm not driving haha! But I am cramped in the back seat: hate having long legs!! >.< We are celebrating the holiday up there with my other family.
But I will update more as soon as I can but I also want some ideas from all of you. I've been thinking on wether or not to have something special happen at the end or not. I want your thoughts. I won't spoil it but you all may like it hehe so comment and let me know what you junk and please give me ideas. I hate writers block a lot and it isn't helping with the book I'm writing.

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