Meeting Damon Salvatore

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For the past few hours, Caroline was going on and on about how she thought that Stefan was a great looking guy and how she thought that there might be a feud between her and all the girls who lay their eyes on him.

"Okay Care. I think it's high time we get ready and go get Stefan. That way I can tell him all about your little crush." Elena laughed and went to finish decorating.

Caroline got dressed in a black mini skirt with a cute, yellow top. "Elena come on. Finish decorating then get dressed. It's almost 7 and we said we'd pick him by then."

Elena came into view wearing a blue mini dress that came to the middle of her thighs, black heels and her hair curled. "Um Caroline what about your shoes?? And your hair?"

"I'm wearing flats Elena and I'm just gonna pulled it up in a messy way. It's more sexier that way." She smirked and walked to the bathroom.


At 6:45pm, Caroline and Elena left Caroline's house and headed to the Salvatore Boardinghouse. When they pulled up, Stefan was not outside like he said he would be.

"Let's go knock on the door. It's 7 now and he's not out here." They got out and walked to the front door.

Elena knocked and waited.

The door opened quickly and there was a man standing there. He looked to be in his 20. He had black hair, piercing blue eyes and slight 5 o'clock shadow. Elena just stared at him, mesmerized by his beauty.

"Ah yes you must be Elena Gilbert. It's so nice to meet you." The man took Elena's hand and kissed the top of it. "And you must be the famous Caroline Forbes. Ah yes Stefan has said so much about you." He kissed her hand too. "My name is Damon Salvatore, the older brother of Stefan." He bowed, his muscles bulging through his shirt.

The girls both looked at him and then at each other. Clearly they both thought that he was good looking. "May we come in and wait for Stefan??" Caroline asked politely.

"Why yes, yes you can." He stepped out of the way and let the two girls in.

Once they got inside they saw how big and nice it was.

"Wow this place is so beautiful. So much...." Elena stopped talking. She couldn't think of the right word to describe it.

"I'm glad you like it. It took some time to design this whole place but it was worth it." He did an eye thing that made Elena feel weird inside.

"Glad you met my brother. Now I can tell you how much of a dick he is." Stefan laughed as he walked into the room. "He is a huge one. He has a bad temper, doesn't know how to love...shall I go on brother?"

"Only if you want to. But I swear brother, I will change sooner or later. Just because you haven't had a girlfriend in forever doesn't mean you have to gripe on me." Damon's face turned red and you could tell he was getting mad.

"Haha I'm just telling the truth. Now about that party." Stefan looked over at the two girls and saw what they were wearing. "Is this a 'welcome new student party' or a 'hey! This is a porn party'." Stefan laughed at his joke and shook his head. "I'm only kidding. Well I'm ready to go. How about you two?"

The girls nodded and walked to the door.

"It was nice to meet you Elena and maybe we will see more of each other. You too Caroline." Damon winked, he knew what may lie ahead.

Back at Caroline's house the place was packed from wall to wall. There was alcohol at every corner of the rooms, people dancing and the music was so loud that no one could hear themselves think.

Caroline took Stefan's hand and dragged him all the way to the booze table. "Go ahead and pick a drink. You don't have to be shy. " She smiled and grabbed a Jell-O shot and downed it quickly.

Stefan grabbed a red cup and poured vodka in it. "I'll take this for now thanks." He took a sip and looked at the front door. His face hardened quickly. "Caroline I'll be right back okay. I need to used the bathroom." He walks off.

Caroline smiled and grabbed another Jell-O shot and downed it. "I think he will be a great person to hang out with. Don't you think Elena?"

Elena didn't hear a single word her friend said. She was to busy thinking about Damon Salvatore. There was something about him that made her question things. She thought about his black, messy hair and his piercing blue eyes and it made her knees buckle.

As Elena was about to turn around to grab another drink she was greeted by Damon's face. "Hello Elena. Lovely to see you."

Elena jumped back slightly but stared at him. "What are you doing here?" She questioned as her face hardened.

"Your friend invited me. She thought it'll be good to be here for my baby bro so I came." He looked at the table with all the alcohol and smiled, seeing a bottle of bourbon on the table. He picked it up and poured himself a cup full.

Elena watched him and smiled. He liked bourbon, like her. "Well it's good to see you here. I see you like bourbon but can I have the bottle to get a cup full please?" She held out her hand for the bottle.

He smirked and went to give it to her but then snatched it away quickly and took a swig of it. After he downed most of the bottle he handed it to her. "There you go."

Elena took the bottle and poured some in her cup. "Thanks Damon but you didn't need to drink half the bottle." Elena glared.

Damon chuckled and winked. "No need to be feisty but your hot when you are." He took his cup and walked onto the dance floor.

Elena blushed at Damon's words and then downed the rest of the bottle.

After many of the people left, the house got quiet. All that was left in the house was Stefan, Caroline, Elena, and Damon and they were all sitting in the living room, all being drunk and having empty bottles all around them.

Caroline stood up and looked at them all. "How about we play truth or dare?" She smirked and waited for their answers.

Elena nodded and looked at the brothers. "What do you say?"

Stefan looked at Damon and smiled. "I will if he does."

Damon stood up and shouted, "Let the truth or dare games begin!"


So here's the next chapter. I didn't want to end it just yet but I had a great idea for the next chapter. It's making me laugh just thinking about it. so please keep reading it and get other people to read it to please!! I need to know if it's a good enough story or not. 😊😐

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