What happened?!?!

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Damon's POV:
I quickly raced to Elena's side. "Elena!" I yelled but she just laid there stiff. I touched her skin and she felt as cold as ice. I bit my wrist and put it on her mouth. "Come on baby, drink!" She didn't budge and I became worried. "Why isn't my blood working?!" I yelled out loud. With no other choice I quickly picked her up and ran to the nearest hospital.

Stefan's POV:
~3 hours later~

I had told Caroline everything about me. She had sat there, soaking everything up like a sponge.
"So let me get this straight. You and your brother were turned in 1864 and Elena is across the ocean with A VAMPIRE?!?!" Care got up and started freaking out.
I got up and wrapped my arms around her. "It's fine. Damon won't hurt her. He's different when he's around her. He's calmer, sweeter and more gentle. If there was any danger then he would have called or something." Just then my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and saw it was Damon. My face turned hard.
"Stef what's wrong?" Care became worried.
[on the phone]
"Elena collapsed in our room and I don't know what's wrong. I took her to the hospital here. Stefan she was with me the entire time. What could have happened?!" Damon was almost crying as he was talking
"Okay okay Care and I will be there soon." I reassured him and hung up. I looked at Caroline and half smiled. "Looks like we're going to Australia!"

Damon's POV:
~at the nearest hospital~

"Help! Help my girlfriend won't wake up!" I screamed.
The doctors came quickly with a stretcher.
I put her down gently and they began to take her to the ER.
"She is getting colder!" One of the doctors, who was looking as old as my age, said.
"BP 98 and dropping." A red haired nurse stated.
They got her into a room and hooked her up to a bunch of machines.
"Sir I'm sorry but your going to have to go wait out in the waiting room." A blonde haired doctor told me.
I stared at him, a small tear escaping my eye. I had the choice of either compelling the man to let me stay or just to do what he said and go wait. I wanted to stay with her but decided to go to the waiting room. I sighed, looking at Elena one last time and walked to the waiting room.

~1 hour later~
I had my head down in my hands. I didn't want people to see me crying. That was a big weakness of mine and I hated it.
Just then I felt a hand in my shoulder and I looked up, seeing that it was Stefan, Caroline right next to him. I stood up and hugged him.

Stefan's POV:
I hugged my brother back, hearing him sniffle a bit. "Damon what exactly happened?" I finally released him from my arms.
"I don't know, one minute we were getting ready to go swimming and the next she had collapsed. Stefan she cold as ice, not," he whispers in my ear, "vampire cold but worse."
I looked at him with confusion in my eyes. "What happened before that?"
He smirked. "Well I compelled her to have a good time for and while, slept together and then we were gonna go swimming. She told me that she didn't want this to end and that's when she collapsed."
Saw a tear threaten his eye and hugged him again. "Where did you guys go while you were here?"
"No, not at all. We were together throughout this entire trip." He sat down and placed his head back into his hands.
"Then what could be causing this??" Caroline spoke up.
"Oh hey blondie, forgot you were here!" Damon spoke, with a small lump in his throat. "I wish I knew what was wrong." Damon started to cry.
"We'll figure out what's wrong soon." I assured him.

~In Elena's mind~
"Come get me Damon, I want to play." Elena giggles and hides in a dark place.
"Elena come out. We have things to do." Damon frowned and listened close for a heartbeat.
Elena stayed quiet. She didn't want to ruin the moment.
Damon couldn't hear any heartbeat and he started to worry.
Elena was getting restless so she decided to come out, but once she came into the light she realized that she wasn't at the Salvatore boardinghouse. "Where am I?!" She looked around and stopped when she saw a brown haired man with a scruffy face.
"Hello love!" He spoke with a sweet English accent.
"Who-who are you?" She stuttered and stepped back.
"You don't remember me do you? Well I guess I'll have to jog your memory." He came closer to her and places his hand on her cheek.
Memories of him and her together flooded her mind. Then there was a memory of them fighting and he hitting her head.
She gasps, snapping back. She then found herself in the hospital room, standing over her body on the bed. "Is that me?"
"Yes, your in a coma. They just don't know what caused it. You have blood blocking an artery. In your case I hope they find out soon, or else your gonna die." He smirked wickedly then disappeared.
"I need to find a way to tell them!" She pondered around the room and grazed her hand along the table, realizing she can touch things. "I can write it down." She had found a loophole and she was gonna take it. She grabbed a pen and wrote it down on the paper near the bed. She then put it on her body and disappeared.

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