Just a little bit

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Seungmin took felix hand going to the living balcony. "up" he spoke, felix was confused until seungmin went around and climbed a ladder.

Felix made a 'O' shape with his mouth, he tried to also climb the ladder but struggled thinkings he'll fall back.

"Thats why i said up, everyone first time is like this. they're scared they'll fall. hold your arms up" Seungmin said leaning over to reach for felix.

Felix still felt sketchy about this, regardless he reached toward seungmin who picked him up with such ease.

"woah, you're strong" Felix said in shock after seungmin pulled him up to sit next to him.

"i've been told, now come on! i gotta show you my spot" Seungmin took Felix's hand and dragged him to a little safe spot.

"this is cute.." felix mumbled looking around.

as small as it was it had a couch, some light decorations, a mini fridge, a set up xbox and mini garden. "cool right? took me 2 years for something so little" Seungmin chuckled falling into the couch.

"Its so nice!! i like it!!" Felix said looking at the garden, gently touching the flowers.

seungmin smiled pulling out his phone, and taking a few pictures. "You are really photogetic...could be great for my photogary class" Seungmin mumbled flipping through the Picutres he took. 

"what was that??" Felix asked turning around.

"oh nothing! come sit down so we can play some games" Seungmin grabbed two controllers and tossed one to felix, turning on the xbox.

"what game?"

"Minecraft!" Felix cheered immediately searching for the game.

Seungmin sat back and watched the excited boy in awe, he didnt even realize Felix already found the game.

"i made a world! our goal is to build a mansion!!" Felix raised his fist in the air

"As long as we finish before nine, i cant let the kids waste they're money on uber eats when i can just cook for them." Seungmin said sitting up sighing.

"You're daddy material" Felix said casually, seungmin smirked.

"I can be your daddy if you dont mind" 

"Actually, i dont mind. You're just my type kim" felix turned around staring right into Seungmin eyes.

"since you dont mind you might as well come sit on my lap right?" Seungmin leaned back with a sly smirk.

Felix walked over to seungmin, doing as told. Seungmin wrapped his hands around felix waist.

"you see where this is going?" Felix asked getting closer to seungmin's face to tease him

"Wait felix stop- moving! stay still" seungmin said, accidentally groaning.

"what happen- ohhh" Felix had a grin on his face after realizing what happen. "well then let me just" Felix started moving a bit to annoy seungmin


Felix put his hands up in defense and acted like he did nothing

Seungmin puffed, but got startled hearing giggles.

both looked up to see ni-ki and sunoo hanging from above them with they're phones out, "this is some nice blackmail right niki?" sunoo laughed

Niki smiled evily "yes indeed it is" 

Seungmin glared at both of them, as felix stood up from seungmins lap.

"i dont give a fuck what yall post, i will physically and mentally hurt both of you now leave" Seungmin sounded demanding as he pointed to the later

it seemed that his threat worked since the two literally fell from above and ran towards the ladders.

"young adults" felix laughed, thinking about what seungmin possibly does for them to be so scared.

"i hate them, anyways did you have a hard time debating if you wanted to come here?" seungmin asked, taking some grapes out of the mini fridge and eating them.

"Actually, yes i did. i really wanna go to chan's house and see his little brother!" felix excitedly yelled, smiling.

"his little brother is a little cutie, i love him." seungmin said giving some grapes to felix, "want some?"

felix nodded taking three, "thanks min"

"you should thank my dick you made me horny"

felix dropped the grapes after looking at seungmin pants and hearing what he said


wow seungmin

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