Heroes die together!

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This stubborness!

He didn't had to cary me like this towards the observer room!

What is even the point in carying me like this around!

I mean I get it I bleong to you but still!



I give up thinking about this!

Now we will have to face the teachers and Aizawa... Who will probably try and erase my quirk but he can't do that...

He just doesn't know it yet!

Ohh it sure will be fun messing with them more!

The moment we arrived in front of the room, Dabi put me down and even immediately turned me around and pushed me to the door. I knew what he was telling me but jesus he didn't needed to tell it to me like this. He really was getting impatient. Somehow he reminded me of a sleeping tiger.

Me: Yeah yeah I know!

Since he put me so close to the door that I was in arms reach to it, I touched the metal and made it all melt down. It was also that exact moment that all of the sudden All Might came towards me but all I did was block his so very well known smash.

Me: Hello. Too bad that the number one will not meet it's death by my hand.

After I said that I knocked th hero out and let him slumb to the ground before entering the room. Dabi was right besdies me and since the heroes were not attacking immediately we weren't doing the same. Soemthing told me Nezu needed an answer for this all.

Aizawa: For how long!

Me: What?

Aizawa: For how long were you playing us?

Me: Ever since the beginning of the school year.

I could tell that I made Aizawa very very angry and sad. He had high hope for me and by the way he treated me he also felt like a father that wanted to teach his son the best way to achive his dreams. Unfortunatelly I was never the son he had wished for. I was a villain and on the other side of his believes too!

Vlad King: What happened to the students?

Dabi: Ha! You really have to ask? Are heroes that dumb?

Me: Can you blame them nugget?

Dabi: Nope, phoenix!

Nezu: Very well played.

Me: Thank you. Now shall we do out last move and say check mate?

Nezu: ....

HD: WAIT! I have one last question!

Me: Since I am feeling generous today, ask me anything.

HD: Why did you become Usagi?

Me: Did you know that I was bron quirkless?

The moment I said that I could hear them all gasp. It was really some information no one knew about me. This was also the reason no one could find out who Usagi really was since the quirk I had never belonged to me before Dabi gifted it to me.

Nezu: All for One?

Dabi: Nope. It was me who gave him that quirk.

Me: With the help of AfO. Yes.

Nezu: ....

Mid: WHY?!

Me: Don't you know how quirkless kids were treated? Besides I have a history with Kacchan! 

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