Finally some brains!

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It was time to get moving again and tho we both wandered around for a good half an hour we couldn't find anyone at all. That could only mean one thing and I was exited to know that they had some brains.

Dabi: Where the fuck are these rats!

Me: Planning for an attack.

Dabi: Huh?

Me: Just think. We are walking and destroying every path that doesn't lead us back to the pro's for a while now and everywhere we go, we also leave corpses... Now what does that mean?

Dabi: They are hiding.

Me: In a number of 20?

Dabi: So an ambush?

Me: Exactly. 

Dabi: Why do I feel like you know where?

Me: Because I do.

Dabi: Then why are we walking around?

Me: I wanted to make sure that it was what I was thinking. I could have been wrong after all.

Dabi: And?

Me: I was right with the ambush.

Dabi: FUCK YOU USAGI! YOU MAKE US WALK IN CIRCLES AND EVEN FOR HALF AN HOUR FOR NOTHING? You do know that the faster we are done here the faster I can throw you on a bed and have fun with you. You will be all mine.

Me: I know but it needs time to come up with a plan and also time to verify if what I was thinking is true. We could just have walked there immediately but that would have only saved us 10 minutes not more. So chill!

Dabi: Arg!

Me: Besides If it's you then sure!

Dabi: Are we close?

Me: Yup!

The moment I said that I pointed my hand to a room which was the largest room on the whole map that I had in my mind. Every room we came across until now were just smaller ones and middle ones. They were all empty besides some chains on the walls and some weird mediacal equiptment laying aorund. I was sure they were left behind by the last war game. Besides no one knew what why UA had a dungeon like this. 

Dabi: *Sigh* Sometimes you are driving me crazy.

Me: Well sometimes it is neccessary!

Dabi: Let's deal with them and get to the teachers and get out of here! I am starting to get impatient!

Me: Come on now! It's not as if you will lose me or we will part ways!

Dabi: I know but it's been months that I needed to hold my desires in for you!

Me: Well in that case, let's just burn them all down!

Once again we decided on a gameplay that was the quickes method. No one could escape our flames and we were kinda known for this tactic too! I mean come on! Why fight when you are in a hurry! Besides that we also had some private matters to settle too!

So we both entered the room and immediately started to put everything in flames. The room might not be much like only an empty concret room but there were people inside and no one was prepared for this.

Still that didn't stop them from trying to attack us. Well it was a nice try and since this room was big enough, I could even fly around and put more flames on the students while Dabi used his flames and punched a couple of students that refused to go down.

Me on the other hand... Well I just picked some kids up and threw them around. At some point I also took my daggers out and started a massacer and dropped one in front of Dabi so he could also just cut and stab them.

All in all we left a bloody mess behind us while they tried to fight. Keyword here was tried. It really was cute to see them all try attack. It did remind me about a small feral kitten scratches or a small dogs bite. No harm was dealt to us and they all lost their lives.

We clearly had the advantage here. I mean we had knowledge about them, the power and also a shit ton of experience while fighting pros. Compared to them, they were nothing than just bugs.

Me: *exhale* Looks like we are done here.

Dabi: Any more students?

Me: Nope. I counted 20 here.

Dabi: So we are done now?

Me: Not real-aaaaahhhhh!!!!

He knew damn well that we still had to fight the teacher but he still picked me up like a potato sack and threw me on his shoulder carrying me outside the room. It was soo unfair and soo like him to do that from time to time.

Me: DABI! Put me down!

Dabi: Nope!


Dabi: I said nope! Now shush!

He even dared to slap my goddamn ass and continue carrying me down the hallways.

Me: We still have the teachers to fight!

Dabi: Nope.


Dabi: *Sigh* Why!

Me: Because!

Dabi: WHY?!

Me: Shigaraki! We have to at least get All Might out!

Dabi: But you just melted the door shut!

Me: And I will melt the door down! Now let me down!

Dabi: Nope. I'll cary you there and be happy!

Me: *Sigh*

Dabi: No point fighting with your own boyfriend.

Me: I know! You are stubborn as fuck!

Dabi: Call me whatever you want. At the end of this day you will be screaming my name with pleasure!

Now I didn't had anything to say against that since I knew it was true. I knew he would do that the moment we get back to the base and in our room which was sound proof thanks to me. 

So in the end I let him carry me back to the observers room door. It was not as if I could have done anything different anyways.

One by One (villain Izuku) (UA Civil war game)Where stories live. Discover now