Part 15

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⚠️TW: suicide, drug abuse, abuse



It was just a normal Thursday night, I was laying on my bed watching videos on my phone when Jayden texted me

Jayden: Rue
Jayden: plz come over right now

What the fuck is she talking about?

Jayden: Rue please

                                           Me: yea ig I can come
                                                       Me: r u allgoods?
Jayden: Idk Rue

What the fuck? I don't know what's going on but I'm scared.


I run around to the window and start knocking on it. I see Jayden sitting at the end of her bed. She looks...different

"Jayden! I'm here!"

I yell, banging on her window

She stands up and walks over to the window slowly. When I get a good look of her face I see her face is wet with tears and she just doesn't look right

"What's up?"

I say, climbing into the window as Jayden sits down on her bed

I sit down next to her and look at her

"I'm sorry"

She says with a shaky voice

"What? Why are you sorry?"

I ask concerned

"I took um, some pills"

Jayden says sleepily

"What!? What type of pills Jayden!?"

I say, standing up

"I, I don't know"

Before Jayden could even finish her sentence, she closes her eyes and falls side ways on her bed.


I yell, trying to shake her awake



I woke up to the beeping of a machine sitting  next to me. I open my eyes and look over to my left. Seeing my brother Nate sitting in a seat with Maddy and Rue next to him


Maddy says, standing up and running to the side of my hospital bed. Wait, hospital bed!? Why the fuck am I in the hospital?!

"What the fuck is going on?"

I ask, looking at Nate sitting on the seat. He looks like he has been crying

"You fucking over dossed bitch"

Maddy says, hugging me

"How are you feeling?"

Nate says, standing up and walking over to me

"I don't know"

I say, still having no fucking idea what's going on.


I look over seeing the nurse walk into my room

"How are you feeling?"

She asked. Then she asked all the other questions doctors usually ask. But I wasn't really listening to be honest.

(3 days later)



I sat up in my bed as my mum walked into my room with a glass of water.

I had been thinking about Ashtray all day, I haven't talked to him since before I Over dosed, I wonder if he even knows. If he does know, I'm kinda sad he hasn't tried to call me, or at least texted me to ask if I'm okay.


She said quietly, placing it on my bedside table


I say, grabbing the water

"Why did you do that Jayden?"

My mom asks with a shaky voice

"I don't know mom, I'm sorry"

I say, not making eye contact with her


She says, picking my head up with her hand

"You ruined, everything!"

She yells
I was not expecting that


I say

"We used to be known as the perfect family Jayden! Everyone looked up to us! And now we are known as the family with the crazy ass daughter who tried to kill her self, with fucking drugs!"

My mom says as her eyes start tearing up

"Oh! So that's what this is about!?"

I yell standing up off my bed and walking over to the door of my bedroom

"You know what mom! For once in my life I thought you actually gave a shit about me! But you don't! All you care about is what everyone else fucking thinks of you!"

I say, starting to cry

"Yeah! Maybe I did try to fucking kill myself! And maybe that will make people think differently of us! But do they know that your a fucking alcoholic!?"

I say, making my mom walk close to me

"Jayden shut up!"

I hear my dad yell from behind me

"No dad! You shut up! Your wife is a fucking bitch! And I can't fucking stand her or you anymore!"

I feel the air get knocked out of me as my dad punched me in the face. Making my lip and nose start bleeding

"What the fuck dad!?"

I yell, pushing past him and running out of my bedroom into the kitchen were Aaron is sitting. He looks at me and sees the blood on my face and the tears rolling down my cheek.

"I'm leaving! And I'm never fucking come back!"

I yell at my family as I walk out the front door.


I scream at my family's house as I skate down the street on my skate board with a blunt in between my fingers.

Ok, um, where the fuck do I go now?

Authors note: thanks for reading Yall! I know this chapter was kinda crazy sorry! Love y'all!

Leave any suggestions in the comments!


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