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In the meantime, Kenneth headed to Roissy Charles the Gaulle. He came to Paris intending to see Monday, which he did. The man had no other business in Paris. He boarded the 3 PM flight for JFK in business class and switched his leisure mode to work. The man didn't wish to cloud his mind with unnecessary thoughts. Hence, Kenneth placed all his ponderings about Monday in his junk file. She had made it clear she didn't want to stay in touch. Kenneth wasn't the type of man to leech.

Back in Paris, Monday sat down to write; she too refused to let thoughts about Kenneth invade her, but it was impossible. Just like the first time scenes of their night together plagued her. Luckily the conversations played more than the rest. Kenneth asked so many questions, not only about Mondays' writing but also about her life. He derived to inquiries about where she wished to go on holiday and Mondays' plans for the rest of the year. He even asked if she counted on moving out from her cousins.

Kenneth spoke as though he had a specific reason to do so. The man acted as though she genuinely interested him while he maintained the questions were just for the sake of having a conversation. Monday didn't know what to think, and Luce didn't help with her blind compassion.

Focused on his work, Kenneth didn't realize he had landed until he saw the flights' aisle fill up with passengers. The man packed his laptop, grabbed his hand luggage, and waited to get off the plane. Once out of customs, he turned on his phone and dialed.

"Hi, Meredith."

"Kenneth, oh my God. Where were you?" The woman exclaimed.

"Eh, I was somewhere. How were things here?"


The womans' voice was dry. Kenneth didn't need to see her face to know she sulked.

"Can you reschedule the meeting with Merkel asap?" Kenneth asked.


"Also, can I ask you to find a present suitable for a Christening? It's for Morgans' son Rendall."

"Sure, is that all you need?" Meredith was back to her practical self. She was his PA; after all, most of his wishes were her command.

"Yes, it's all for now. Thank you," Kenneth hung up and got in a taxi. His phone rang as he sat down.

"Hey, man."


"I attempted to call you multiple times. Your PA searched the whole world for you."

"What? Meredith called you?"

"Yes, she feared something happened to you, so I tried to get you on the phone. Where were you?" Morgen asked.

"I was in Paris. I had some business there."

"The type of business you can't tell your PA."

"Exactly, Morgen, it was private."

Kenneth wasn't a man to keep secrets, and he expected those around him to have none either. His response had Morgen wondering what he hid from him. For the most, in sneakers and jeans, the laid-back-looking man was probably the most complex person one could meet.

His mind and heart were labyrinths. One had to be patient for the man to unlock his vaults. Of course, no one in his conferences saw Kenneth in this manner.

Morgen reminded Kenneth once more about the christening before hanging up.

In the meantime, Meredith rushed to do what Kenneth asked.

"Well, well, what a smile. I bet Kenneth is back," Rob said as he crossed Meredith in the office hall.

"He is, and?"

"I hope he enjoyed himself there."

Meredith cocked a brow, "enjoyed himself, you say, where? Rob, don't tell me you knew where he was."

The man shrugged, "I did, but he pays me to keep my mouth shut, so I executed."

Meredith's eyes grew wide, "Rob, I was worried sick. How could leave me hopping around like a leapfrog?"

Rob shrugged once more and put his hands in his pockets, "he's back, so no big deal."

"Where was he, Rob?"


"Tell me."

The man sighed, "he's back; I guess it doesn't matter now. He asked me about the finest place in Paris to take a woman. He wanted somewhere that would knock her socks and a few other garments off."

"Where was the place?"

"Meredith, stop, you're dead creepy, and Kenneth is going to go berserk if he finds out you're all upon his business."

"Do you know who he was with?" The woman pursued.


"So let me do a recap. You gave him an address to take some woman?" Meredith asked as she began to search for who the person could be. She suddenly remembered that Dayé Yeni was French, unlike popular beliefs of people who thought she was of English or Nigerian nationality. Meredith's face filled with dread. No, Kenneth couldn't have wanted to see the woman again, could he?

Yes, he could, and if Monday didn't put a stop to it, he would see her again.


Kenneth couldn't put the finger on the reason, and it bothered him. They had to be one; he couldn't have such a wish without a solid basis, the man thought as he sunk back on his sofa.

If so, it tore down his theories, as all things mathematical or scientific had resolvable equations. And now the man had an x-factor; he was lost.

Kenneth didn't know how he felt or what he wanted. Nor did Monday, who sat down with her cousin that evening, but the woman couldn't devote more time to her issue as Luce had an anticipated mid-life crisis.

"Monday, I swear, feel so dumb. The man will never notice me," Luce said as she dived her spoon in her bucket of Ben&Jerrys.

"Why don't you tell him?" Monday asked as she dipped a spoon in hers.

Luce turned to eye her cousin up and down before kissing her teeth at what she considered nonsense, "what are you crazy. We're talking about our pastor, Monday, not some guy at the gym or work."

"A pastor is a man. Also, he can date if he wants."

"Monday, I heard he has never dated in his entire life. Pastor Lennox isn't an ordinary man, and he didn't choose his vocation after a life of debauchery. He decided to dedicate his life to God before age ten, and you want me to go and see such a man and say senpai [senior student], no correction kohai [junior student] notice me."

Monday shrugged and swallowed the ice cream in her mouth before saying, "well, if you put it that way."

Luce sighed, "I'm a waste of a woman."

"No, you're not. At least the man you have in mind is immaculate. The one I had is sin incarnate. I swear, before meeting him, my life was exemplary. I had my inspiration and routine. Now I'm constantly procrastinating, I'm irrational, over-emotional, and I can't get the bugger out of my mind. What's worse is we're not even compatible. It's like a plus and minus equation where you get zero no matter how you jumble up the factors.

"We're doomed, Monday. We're going to live here together for life."

"Well, at least you're my favorite person."

"Aww, thanks, babe, your my fav person too."

Hey guys,

What do you think of the situation between Monday and Kenneth?

For those who have read other of my stories, is Kenneth the coldest man yet, in your opinion?

What do you think of his girlfriend checklist?

Who wants Jacob and Luce to mingle?

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Take care!

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