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One knows.

There's always a point in a relationship where one knows they're in love, but the moment isn't necessarily when they realize it.

No, one has to accept and allow the sentiment to expand through their body to their mind and heart.

Monday got up and walked to the window. The contour of her naked frame shone in the moonlight. No one could see her unless they had a very accurate binoculars see telescope.

Kenneth sat up. They had finished their X-rated episode on his living room floor. The takes were wilder than ever, and Kenneth got Monday to capitulate and call him daddy multiple times before seeing her drift to sleep.

The man observed his lover while she slept. Kenneth's heart didn't seem to want to settle. He felt like he had run a mile and still ran every time he looked at her. Toes, hands, stretch marks, Kenneth no longer saw things that displeased him. He didn't ignore them. The elements just became irrelevant.

Many things had happened since their one-night stand. Monday was supposed to be a standalone story, a momentary adventure, yet Kenneth could not stop reading their book, which kept improving. Monday's presence in New York attested to it. Kenneth's heart beat with excitement and fear as he asked himself: Can you love her?

The question had multiple itineraries, like a snake ladder game. The man chose a route and prayed it would bring him to the desired conclusion.

Was he at the right phase in his life?

Kenneth knew he wasn't playing. He never invited women he trifled with to stay in his home.

So their relationship was serious, and he had to give it that importance. Kenneth kept repeating it, for he didn't want himself to forget.

He had the will, but did he have the means, the time, the energy, and the patience to invest in his story?

Did he have expectations?

If he did, was Monday capable of meeting them?

Kenneth knew how he would react if she failed to meet any. The man understood himself well and avoided trying to rate Monday. He attempted to let things evolve naturally instead of trying to manipulate the stats and forcing things for Monday to fit in the boxes of his criteria.

The method worked until then. Now, the questions bustled in Kenneth's head. His analysis was well overdue.

Kenneth was afraid, but his desire for them to develop a stronger bond was more potent.

He figured their relationship could deepen as long as Monday didn't start to be too demanding and let him drive the rhythm as she did when they were in bed.


Their relationship wasn't about it, but Kenneth preferred having the impression he had some virtual lead, just like Monday, who didn't think less of their situation. He knew Monday didn't tag along. She gave him the right amount of resistance that kept him on his toes.

Kenneth got up and took the duvet with him. He approached Monday, hugged from behind, and kissed her neck.

"Did I wake you up?"

"Yes, I was lonely without you," Kenneth answered.

The man felt Monday's cheeks rise under his kisses as she smiled.

"You have a beautiful view."

"I know. I only bought the apartment for its view, though I'm afraid of heights."

Monday turned her head to the side. "Stop lying; you can't be serious. No one does that, at least not a logical human."

"Sorry to deceive you. I, too, have my no-sense moments."

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