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The middle part has no moment. Within this part comes the issue or object of discord. When storming this part, communication becomes the paddle that helps one row to better shores.

Monday and Kenneth talked more than they ever had. Kenneth discovered how frightened Monday had been during the months when he had ignored her. Even if she wanted to have their baby, it didn't take away the apprehension. The changes were more consequential for her as it was not just the logistics around the birth she had to deal with but the emotional stress and her body transformation. Kenneth understood all Monday wanted was support, for they were in the same boat regarding fear.

The day went on, and the sun began to sink when Kenneth remembered something. His knock on the driver's window made the sleeping man jump. The driver unwinded the window.

"Sorry for the wait. I forgot you were still waiting for me," Kenneth explained.

The driver yawned and stretched his arms, "I guess love is back on track."

Kenneth smiled; it was too early to cry victory, "What did you say your name was again?"

"I didn't say it, but thanks for asking. My name is Philippe. What's yours?"


"Nice to meet you, Kenneth. Don't hesitate to call me if you need a driver."

"I won't," Kenneth said and paid the amount the taximeter announced on the touchpad. He then added five hundred euros in cash.

Philippe's eyes widened, and he laughed nervously, "Hey, what's this."

"A tip."

The driver looked down at the hundred euro bills and returned his gaze to Kenneth. "I'm not going to complain, but it'sㅡ."

"Not enough for all your help. Please accept it."

Philippe nodded, "Well, thank you for making my day," he said, folding the bills.

The men shook hands, and Philippe drove off.

Kenneth returned to Monday's house and stopped after passing the door. He looked back at the entrance and realized it was the first time he had entered her house from the front door. Though anodyne, the gesture gave him the impression that he opened the lock to a chapter he would never leave. The feeling made Kenneth feel giddy. He sneezed and remembered that perhaps the sensation was more due to his fever.

"Are you alright, Kenneth?" Monday asked as he entered her living room.

"I think I caught a cold."

Monday raised a brow, "You're sick, and you hugged a pregnant woman with all your germs?"

Kenneth gritted teeth, realizing his error. "Sorry."

Monday sighed, "You should take a hot bath."

She accompanied Kenneth to her bathroom. With its clawfoot bathtub and large bay window behind it, the space resembled a dream setting. Everything from the tub to the tiles was immaculately white, as though one only conceived the space for pure thoughts.

Monday placed some towels and left, knowing the most challenging part of their reconciliation was yet to come.

Kenneth wanted her, but what was it for the baby?

Was he willing to accept the bundle?

One conversation couldn't resolve all the issues, and the goal seemed unrealistic even for the romance writer. The following weeks provided Monday with a few answers.


"Kenneth, are you sure you don't want Franck & Sons to install the shelves?"

Kenneth's expression immediately changed from raging bull to teary puppy, "If you insist, I have no choice but to accept."

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